domingo, 2 de agosto de 2009

DX Bulletin XE1BEF 310


August 1-9th: THE INTERNATIONAL LIGHTHOUSE-LIGHTSHIP WEEK and QSO Party Contest. This highly popular annual event, now in its 15th year, has been extended to a full week! This activity also takes place during the "National Lighthouse Day", as
proclaimed by the U.S. Congress (see www.lighthou sefoundation. org/museum/ natllighthouseda y_info.htm . Complete details on the "ILLW Special Event" and the "ILLW - QSO Party Contest" can be found on the following Web pages:
http://ialhp. org http://www.illw. org - For a list of ILLW participants: http://illw. org/9-list. html.

August 15-16th: THE INTERNATIONAL LIGHTHOUSE/LIGHTSHIP WEEKEND is held every third full weekend in August starting at 0001z on Saturday and finishing at 2359z on Sunday. It also now coincides on the Sunday with the "International Lighthouse Day" which is an event organized by the "International Association of Lighthouse Keepers" whereby as many world lighthouses will be open to the public for the day." The ILLW event is organized and controlled solely by the "Ayr Amateur Radio Group" of Scotland. The basic objective of the event is to promote public awareness of lighthouses and lightships and their need for preservation and restoration, to promote amateur radio and to foster international goodwill. The event is NOT a contest. There are no prizes, certificates or other enticements to participate and therefore, participation is free. Each station's operators decide how they will operate their station regards modes and bands. For complete details on the "ILLW Event", go to: http://illw. net For a list of ILLW participants: http://illw. net/2009_ list.htm

MICHIGAN LIGHTHOUSES - Operators Doug/KD8CAO and John/K8YSE will activate Little Point Sable (USA-443), the Grand Haven South Pierhead Inner (USA-1077) and Grand Haven South Pierhead Outer (USA-1078) Michigan lighthouses for the International Lighthouse-Lightshi p Week, August 1-9th. Operation from Little Point Sable LH will be on August 1st. On August 2nd, they will activate the Grand Haven South Pierhead LH, Inner and Outer. Look for them on all HF bands. Satellite operations on AO-51, SO-50 and AO-27 are a possibility. QSL via K8YSE.

BOZBURUN LIGHTHOUSE - Members of the Turkish group called SWAT (Special Wireless Activity Team - TCSWAT) is proud to announce new TC activities in collaboration with the Directorate General of Coastal Safety (Web page was provided --
www.kiyiemni tr/default. asp?id=0& lng=en). It has been ten years since the big earthquake of August 17, 1999, hit the Marmara area of Turkey: http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ 1999_%C4% B0zmit_earthquak e TCSWAT will be on the air to remember those who lost their lives in this natural disaster. There will be two stations; one from Yalova - TC99Y and one from Kocaeli- TC99K. Since the anniversary coincides with the International Lighthouse-Lightshi p Weekend, stations will be located in the lighthouses on the coast of Marmara Sea. TC99Y will be active from Bozburun Lighthouse in Yalova (KN40JM) and TC99K from Yelkenkaya Lighthouse (TUR-054) in Kocaeli (KN40QS). TC1LHW, a TCSWAT classic, will also be on the air from Karaburun Lighthouse (TUR-036) on the Black Sea coast. Activity will be mainly on HF SSB, VHF-UHF FM. Detailed information about the stations and operators will be at and www.tcswat. org>. There will be a special award for those who contact both TC99 stations on more than one band. Details will be announced later on TCSWAT Web site.

PHILIPPINES, DU. Hans, DL5SDF is QRV as DU9/homecall from Mindanao Island, IOTA OC-130, and is here until June 2010. Activity is on the HF bands using CW. QSL direct.

ESTONIA, ES. Juri, ES5GP is QRV as ES5GP/8 from Kihnu Island, IOTA EU-178, until August 9. This includes possible activity from Lighthouse WLOTA LH-0775. QSL to home call.

SCOTLAND, GM. Dave, M0GGK will be QRV as MM0GGK/p from the Isle of Lewis, IOTA EU-010, from August 1 to 8. Activity will generally be between 2100 and 0000z. QSL to home call.

BRAZIL, PY. Operators PT2OP and PY6KW are QRV as ZW6LH and PR6S, respectively, from the state of Bahia until August 8. This includes participation in the ILLW contest. QSL to home calls.

EGYPT, SU. Look for a group of operators to be QRV as SU8LH from August 1 to 9 from Ras El-Bar island. Activity will be on all HF bands and 6 meters using CW and SSB. This includes an entry in the ILLW contest. QSL via SU1SK.

DODECANESE, SV5. Several members of the Dodecanese Radio Amateur Association are QRV as SX5SYMI from Symi Island, IOTA EU-001, until August 3. QSL via SV5FRI.

ICELAND, TF. Maurizio, IW4BLZ is QRV as TF/homecall until August 11. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters. This includes possible activity from Lighthouse WLOTA LH-2975. QSL to home call.

ASCENSION ISLAND, ZD8. Jim, N6TJ is QRV as ZD8Z until August 7. Activity is on all bands using CW and SSB. QSL via AI4U.

CAYMAN ISLANDS, ZF. Dave, W9CGI is QRV as ZF2GC from Grand Cayman, IOTA NA-016, until August 10. Activity is on 17 and 12 meters using mostly SSB and PSK31. QSL direct.

USA : Operators Doug/KD8CAO and John/K8YSE from Little Point Sable (USA-443), the Grand Haven South Pierhead Inner (USA-1077) and Grand Haven South Pierhead Outer (USA-1078) Michigan , in the International Lighthouse-Lightship Week, August 1-9th. HF bands. Satellite operations on AO-51, SO-50 and AO-27 are a possibility. QSL via K8YSE.

TURKEY: In the International Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend (Aug 15-16), TC99Y will be active from Bozburun Lighthouse in Yalova (KN40JM) and TC99K from Yelkenkaya Lighthouse (TUR-054) in Kocaeli (KN40QS). TC1LHW, a TCSWAT classic, will also be on the air from Karaburun Lighthouse (TUR-036) on the Black Sea coast. Activity will be mainly on HF SSB, VHF-UHF FM.

USA: The members of the Old Barney ARC in NJ will operate as N2OB from the Barnegat lighthouse in Barnegat Light, NJ on IOTA NA-111 this Saturday, 1 Aug 2009 from approximately 1400 UTC till 2100 UTC. Operations will be on 2, 20 and 40 meters, phone & cw. This is in conjunction with the 150th birthday celebration which takes place on this date. QSL card available via N2OB. 73' de Bob - K2RET Old Barney ARC South Jersey DX Assn. Tks K1XN and the Golist

BRAZIL, PY. Operators PT2OP and PY6KW are QRV as ZW6LH and PR6S,
respectively, from the state of Bahia until August 8. This includes participation in the ILLW contest. QSL to home calls.

EGYPT, SU. Look for a group of operators to be QRV as SU8LH from August 1 to 9 from Ras El-Bar island. Activity will be on all HF bands and 6 meters using CW and SSB. This includes an entry in the ILLW contest. QSL via SU1SK. Tks ARRL dx letter

PHILIPPINES, DU. Hans, DL5SDF is QRV as DU9/homecall from Mindanao Island, IOTA OC-130, and is here until June 2010. Activity is on the HF bands using CW. QSL direct. Tks ARRL dx letter

CORSICA – by Laurent, F8BBL, UPDATE: (EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA 1390) - Laurent, F8BBL will be vacationning in Corsica between August 1st to 15th. His main QTH will be located in the Valinco Gulf near Olméto (2A Department - Ajaccio), Loc JN41KQ He will use a FT857 and a MP1 vertical antenna. HF, mainly in CW, a little SSB, at his spare time. Don’t forget that Laurent is before vacationning. Call: TK8B. Other activities scheduled, weather and sea permitted : On Aug 6th , around 0900 UTC activity from the Lavezzi islands, EU-164, DIFM TK-011 Loc JN41OI. - On Aug 11th, around 0900 utc, activity from the Sanguinaires, islands, EU-104, DIFM TK-002 Loc JN41HV. Always, weather permitting : On Aug 8th, around 0900 utc, activity for the SOTA program from the Punta Di Corna Caprunu, SOTA TK/TK-145 535m asl (1755 feet) 41 37 21 N 8 56 40 E, locator JN41LO, 1 point/SOTA, Southern Corsica department. QSL via Laurent F8BBL, when return home, or via the REF-Union bureau (Please only this bureau) or via LOTW/ - Radio Nature Balade Tks Laurent, F8BBL. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

FRANCE: The Charente Maritime area Hams members of the F5KLG ARC, are going once more to the Ile Madame. This activity will appen under the TM1MAD callsign, on September 5t and 6th, 2009. The crew : F1MMR SSB, F4ETJ SSB, F5PON Digit, F6BCC SSB, F8DHA CW. The Ile Madame is not a IOTA . It counts only for the French Metropolitan and Corsican Islands Award : DIFM AT024 . Other references : DFCF 17014 – LOC/ IN95TX - QSL via Bureau to F5KLJ. - Tks Fred F8DHA. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

FRANCE NORMANDY : André F5TBL, will be active on Aug 11th, between 1200 to 1600utc, as F8KFE/P, from the Cap Levi, lighthouse, in the city of Fermanville (50 Manche department) HF/VHF, , CW and Phone) PB 085, for the Franch Onshore Lighthouses award and ARLHS FRA-080. QSL as op’s indication. Tks Jean-Yves, F8LDX. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

UK - The ISWL Club Callsign's in use during August 2009 will be: GX4BJC /A & GX4BJC /P - Operated /A from Towcester, in Northamptonshire, by Phil - G4DMS. ( ISWL Council Member & Rallies Manager ) /A WAB Square = SP65 - England & IOTA = EU-005. MX1SWL /A - Operated from Bream, in Gloucestershire, by Chris - G0SDD. WAB Square = SO60 - England & IOTA = EU-005. Please Note: The WAB Format changed on 1st January 2009. The new format is: 10Km Square Number and Country. (Not District and County). http://www.worked- all-britain. - The ISWL's WAB Book numbers are: 16316 and 16724. All QSL Info is on uk or or via NO LOTW. ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see uk for full details. cards ARE accepted for our awards. I will be on the ISWL's Rally stand, at the Wimborne Hamfest on Sunday August 9th. ....So I hope to see a few of you there . Vy 73 to you all - I hope you have a great month in August. Pete Rayer - ISWL Life Vice President in sunny Bournemouth, UK. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

MALDIVES. Andrew, G7COD, will once again be active as 8Q7AK from Embudu Village, Embudu Island (AS-013, WLOTA L-3911), between October 12-25th. Activity will be on 80-12 meters including 30/17/12m using CW and SSB. Operating schedule (everyday) is as follows: 0730-0830z, 0900- 1030z, 1300-1500z and 1730-1800z. Suggested frequencies are: CW - 3503, 7003, 10103, 14003, 18073, 21003 and 24893 kHz SSB - 3795, 7063, 14147, 18133, 21253 and 24953 kHz QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau. Look for complete details at under 8Q7AK.

EU-005. Steve, G0UIH, will also be active as homecall/p from Piel Island (CU-005 for English Islands) between August 14-16th. This island is the "Jewel in the Crown" of the Islands of Furness. The Island has a history going back to the 11th Century. Expect activity on all HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

EU-010. Dave, M0GGK, will be active as MM0GGK/P from the Isle of Lewis between August 1-8th. He will use his K1 into a loop and a long wire, and expects to be on between 2100-0000z every night.

EU-032. Martin, F4UKP, will be active as homecall/p from the Island of Re (DIFM AT-022, WLOTA L-1407) between August 15-22nd. Activity will be on all HF bands, CW and SSB, using a K2 and a 20m triple leg vertical. QSL via his home callsign, direct
or by the bureau.

EU-090. Slovenian operators Jane/S57L, Goran/S52P, Vinko/S53F and Brane/S56UGB are now active as 9A8ZRS from Palagruza Island until July 31st. Most of the activity (as this was being written) was on 40m (CW/SSB) and 30m (CW). QSL via S57L.

KH4, MIDWAY ISLAND (Press Release). Tom/N4XP and Dave/WB4JTT, co-leaders
for the 2009 Midway Island Dxpedition, sent out the following press release number 5 dated July 22nd (edited): "The K4M team has passed a very important milestone with the shipment this week of 2 tons of radios, linears, antennas (20 of them), radios (6), computers and interfaces, thousands of feet of coax and stubs, and various connectors, switches, wattmeters, and all the supplies you would expect from an operation on a
remote island. At the following Web page is a picture of a portion of the freight: http://www.midway20 html The gear will be stored in Hawaii until the supply ship leaves in 3 weeks to Midway. Our charter flight to the island is confirmed. The team is assembled. Fundraising continues on our website, www.midway2009. com . If you haven't visited it in a while stop by and help support our effort. All pre-expedition contributors who are on LOTW will receive their confirmations within a week of the end of the DXPedition. This month we are highlighting three more team members. You can read all their history at:
http://www.midway20 s4.html "

Just a reminder that the International Lighthouse-Lightshi p Weekend (ILLW) is scheduled for August 1-9th. A new Yaesu FT-857D will be given as the prize in a RANDOM DRAWING of submitted logs. Pre-registration is required. The winner is NOT based on score. Everyone that submits a valid log has an equal opportunity of winning the Yaesu. Registration deadline is July 31st. For complete details, rules, and logging require- ments, visit the ILLW Web site at: http://illw. org

Members of the Portuguese Navy Hamradio Club (NRA, NUCLEO DE RADIO- AMADORES DA ARMADA) will activate for the first time the Lajes Lighthouse (ARLHS AZO 010), on Azores, between 0800-1900z, on August 1st. The callsign will be CR2NRA. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15/ 10 meters using CW and SSB. Operators mentioned are CU3DI, CU3CY, CU3AU, CU3CC and CU3HQ. QSL via the info on

Orlando/PT2OP (ZW6LH) and Marcelo/PY6KW (PR6S) will be active from several lighthouses in the state of BAHIA between July 31st and August 3rd. Activity will include participation in the International Light- house Lightship Weekend (ILLW). Both stations are valid for ARLHS, DFB (Brazilian Lighthouses Awards) and the South American Lighthouses Award. QSL via their home callsign.

Members of the "Sodertorns Radioamatorer" (SK0QO) will once again be active as 7S0SFJ from the Museum Lightship No. 25 Finngrundet (ILLW # SE-0013, SWE-043), in Stockholm, Sweden, during the ILLW activity August 15-16th. The LS Finngrundet was built in 1903 and decommissioned in 1969 and since 1970 is a museum vessel. Club SK0QO has been operating 7S0SFJ every year since 1996. The club will put their double dipoles up for 80/40m and 30/17m as well as their dipole for 20m up Friday evening, August 14th, and will be active until Sunday, early afternoon. Rigs: FT-2000, TS-680, IC-706. Activity will be on SSB and CW (Hans, SM0BYD, mainly on 30/17m). QSL by the Bureau and SM0BYD. SWL reports are also welcome. For more details and pictures, see: http://www.qrz. com/callsign/ 7s0sfj (The Lightship FINNGRUNDET is managed by SMM (Statens Maritima Museer), The Swedish National Maritime Museums.)

BELIZE, V3. Per, LA5OPA, will be QRV as V31NP from Ambergris Cay (NA-073) between July 26 and August 12. He will work in SSB and PSK31 mostly on 20 meters. QSL via bureau or direct to LA5OPA.

GREENLAND, OX. Bo, OZ1PIF, is operating OX3LX until August 1. He is QRV on six meters from grid square GP60. QSL via OZ1PIF.

FAROE ISLANDS. OY. Thomas, OY/OZ1AA, is now QRV from the OY6FRA club station in the capital, Torshavn. He is on HF and 6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via OZ1ACB, Allis Andersen, Kagsaavej 34, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark.

GHANA, 9G. Operators Alfeo, I1HJT, Silvano, I2YSB, Carlo, IK1AOD, Vinicio, IK2CIO, Angelo, IK2CKR, Marcello, IK2DIA, Stefano, IK2HKT, and Donato, IZ2CHO will be active between November 13 and 27. Their activity will also include an IOTA trip to Abokwa Island (AF-084). They will use two different call signs for their activities. Operations on the mainland will use the call sign 9G5TT, while operations on AF-084 will use 9G5XX. Activity will be on 80 through 10 meters, using all modes. QSL via I2YSB, direct only.

PORTUGAL: In the sequence of a pool of activities concerning to the celebration of its
7th anniversary, the Portuguese Navy Hamradio Club – NRA, (NUCLEO DE
RADIOAMADORES DA ARMADA - NRA) is going to carry out the last Lighthouse
activitie for the period of July and August. Activitie is as follows: Date: 01th of August 2009; Country: Azores Call Sign: CR2NRA - Lighthouse: Lajes Lighthouse (First time it is going to be activated) Geographical Position: 38º 46’ N – 27º 50’ W Reference: ARLHS AZO 010 Period: [0800UTC – 1900UTC] - Modes: SSB; CW; Bands: 10 – 15 - 20 – 40 - 80 Operators: CU3DI; CU3CY; CU3AU; CU3CC; CU3HQ; QSL Manager: IAW Information stated on QRZ.COM. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

I - Look for IK6XOU/p, IK6YXM/p, IZ0DIB/p, IZ4IUS/p and IZ6ASI/p to be active from the lighthouse of Cattolica (ARLHS ITA-051, WAIL ER-001) on 8-9 August. They will operate SSB and digital modes on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres. [TNX IZ6ASI].

I - A group of operators from ARI Pesaro, ARI Fano and the Adriatic DX Team will be active as IQ6PS/p from San Bartolo Lighthouse (WAIL MA-006, ARLHS ITA-106) on 8-9 August. They plan to operate SSB and CW on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres. [TNX I6KIU].

I - A group of operators from ARI Genova will be active again as IU1L from La Lanterna (ARLHS ITA-177, WAIL LI-005) on 15-16 August. They will operate on 10, 15, 20, 40, 80, 6 and 2 metres. QSL direct or bureau. [TNX IZ1BZS].

IS0 - Giacomo, IZ3DBA will be active as IM0/IZ3DBA from Maddalena Island (EU-041) from 28 July to 1 August, and then as IS0/IZ3DBA from Sardinia (EU-024) until 10 August. His favourite mode is CW. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

OH - Jukka, OH3OJ will be active as OH3OJ/p from Hailuoto Island (EU-184) on 11-15 August. He will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 80-10 metres with 600 watts, a Spiderbeam for 15, 17 and 20 metres, dipoles and GPs for the other bands. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [TNX OH3OJ].

OZ - Axel, DL7VEA will be active as OZ7VEA from Romo Island (EU-125) on 2-21 August. QSL via DL7VEA, direct or bureau. A log search will be available at http://www.dl7vea. de/oz7vea- 2009_en.html [TNX www.rsgbiota. org].

PY - Look for ZW6LH (QSL via PT2OP) and PR6S (QSL via PY6KW) to be active from a number of lighthouses in the Brazilian State of Bahia between 31 July and 3 August. [TNX PT7WA].

SU - SU1AO, SU1GS and SU1SK will be active as SU8LH from the lighthouse at Ras El-Bar (ARLHS EGY-014) on 1-9 August. Expect activity on the HF bands and 6 metres SSB and CW, with 100 watts and wire antennas. QSL via SU1SK. [TNX SU1SK].

V3 - Per, LA5OPA will be active as V31NP from Ambergris Key (NA-073), Belize from 26 July to 12 August. He plans to operate SSB, PSK31 and RTTY on 20 metres, with possible activity on other bands if they open to Europe. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

W - Members of the Old Barney ARC (http://www.obarc. org) will be operating as N2OB from "Old Barney", the Barnegat Lighthouse (USA-039) on Long Beach Island (NA-111) on 1 August from about 13 UTC through 21 UTC. Expect main activity on 20 and 40 metres SSB with two stations. QSL via N2OB. [TNX N2OO].

W - The Old Barney ARC (http://www.obarc. org) will operate again as W2T from the Tucker's Island lighthouse (USA-911) located in the Tuckerton Seaport on 15 and 16 August, from 13 UTC through 21 UTC each day. Operation will be primarily on 40 and 20 metres SSB with two stations. QSL via N2OO. [TNX N2OO].

ZD8 - Jim, N6TJ will be active again (SSB and CW) as ZD8Z from Ascension Island (AF-003) from 30 July to 7 August. QSL via AI4U. [TNX The Daily DX].

ZF - Dave, W9CGI will be active as ZF2GC from Grand Cayman Island (NA-016) from 29 July to 10 August. He will be QRV mainly on 12 and 17 metres PSK31 and SSB, using less than 50 watts to a vertical. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX
www.rsgbiota. org].


SWAZILAND, 3DA0. Operators GI4FUM, G4LDL, GM3TAL, M0VAA, NC4MM and UT5EL are QRV as 3DA0DJ, 3DA0TB, 3DA0MH, 3DA0VA, 3DA0MM and 3DA0EL until August 11. They may also be QRV as 3DA0SS from an international Scout Camp near Manzini. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters with two stations active simultaneously and around the clock. QSL to home calls.

GERMANY, DA. Members of the Waldkirchen Radio Club are QRV using special event callsign DP3SSKW until December 31 in celebration of the 3rd Shito-ryu Shukokai Karate 2009 Worldcup being held in Waldkirchen. Activity is on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via bureau.

SPAIN, EA. Special event station EG2LB will be QRV August 1 and 2 in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille. Activity will be on 80, 40 and 20 meters. QSL via EA3RKR.

NETHERLANDS: SES call PD55EA from 1th till the 28th of August 2009 To celebrate the 55th birthday of the Museum "Ellert and Brammert" in Schoonoord,Netherlands. Active on 10 , 20 and 40 Meter band in SSB and Digital modes. Also possible activities on 2 meter band. QSL's will be send automatic via Buro. If you want to QSL in other ways,pls first send QSL via PD7BZ, More info on http://www/ 73's and Good DX Bernard de PD7BZ

SPAIN : Special event : Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix - The Grand Prix will happen in Valencia. So look for the following special callsigns to be active from August 8th to 23rd : -- AM5FUV op. Juan EC5BZR -- AO5FUV op. Pepe EA5UB -- AN5FUV op. Vincent EB5GGB -- EG5FUV op. Jose EA5FL -- EH5FUV op. Nando EA5GVZ - They will be active mainly on the HF bands. A special award is issued to thos who will make at last 3 QSO’s with 3 different stations. QSL Manager : EA5FL - José. All QSIO confirmed direct or bureau. More information see QRZ.Com. Tks Yves 7X0MT/F5MSR and José EA5FL. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

MOROCCO, CN. CN10FT is QRV until August 20 commemorating the 10th year of the reign of the King of Morocco, Mohamed VI. Operators are CN8ZG, CN8CMZ, CN8KD, CN8NK and CN8SG. QSL via EA7FTR.

UA - Special callsign R45EFIR will be used on 1-10 August on all bands and modes Celebrating the 45th anniversary of radio club "Efir" (RK3PWJ, http://www.tularadi of the city of Efremov. [TNX UA3PNO].

EA - Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille, special callsign EG5LB will be used again on 26 July, 2-9 August, 16 August, 23 August, 29 August and 6-7 September. QSL via EA3RKR, direct or bureau. [TNX EA3RKR].

DP3, GERMANY (Special Event). Members of the Waldkirchen Radio Club will activate special event station DP3SSKW on CW and SSB through December 31st. Activity is to celebrate the 3rd Shito-ryu Shukokai Karate 2009 Worldcup being held in Waldkirchen. QSL via the Bureau; direct QSLs only via DK7FK. Skeds for 40 and 80 meters are possible via E-mail to DK7FK: b.barth@pension-

Jul 28 AN ------------ ---
Jul 29 AN AN - Above Normal/Geomagnetic Level is QUIET
Jul 30 AN HN - High Normal/Geomagnetic Level is UNSETTLED
Aug 1 AN ------------ ---------
Aug 2 AN QUIET - The "A" index is expected to be between
0-7 and the "K" index will be 2 or less
UNSETTLED - The "A" index is expected to be between
7-16 and "K" index will be 3 or less

EUROPEAN RUSSIA, UA. Special event station R45EFIR will be QRV from Efremov from August 1 to 10 to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the founding of the "Efir" radio club. Activity is on all bands and modes. QSL via operators' instructions.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARRL UHF Contest, International Lighthouse-Lightshi p Weekend (ILLW) QSO Contest, North American CW QSO Party, NCCC Sprint CW Ladder, TARA Grid Dip Shindig, 10-10 International Summer SSB Contest, NCCC Sprint, European HF Championship, RSGB RoPoCo 2 and the SARL HF Phone Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this weekend. The ARS Spartan CW Sprint is scheduled for August 4. Please see August QST, page 76, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details.


TANZANIA, 5H. Pat, N2IEN plans to be QRV as 5H2PD until August 8. Activity is on 40, 30, 20 and 15 meters using mainly CW with some SSB. QSL direct to home call.

LESOTHO. Just a reminder that a group of operators will be active from here between July 29th to August 13th. They plan to have two stations active at all times with a third station to possibly be on for PSK and RTTY. Activity will be on all bands, but with a special effort on 160/80 meters. Operators are: Pista/HA5AO (7P8AO), Frosty/K5LBU (7P8CF), Laurent/ W0MM (7P8MM), John/9M6XRO (7P8OK) and Ben/DJ0YI (7P8YI). QSL 7P8OK via M0URX, others via their home callsigns. For more details, please visit the Texas DX Society's Web site at: http://www.tdxs. net

ANDORRA. Last week we reported that Vini, IK2CIO, would be active as C31/IK2CIO between August 6-12th. We have been informed by several sources that "the Andorran Radioamateurs Union (URA) reminds that the local administration has not implemented the CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-01; therefore, any C3/homecall activity should be regarded as illegal." An up-to-date list of licensed amateurs can be found at: http://www.ura. ad

GHANA (Update/Change) . Silvano/I2YSB informs OPDX that there has been an update to their activity in Ghana between November 13-27th. Their activity will also include an IOTA trip to Abokwa Island (AF-084). They will use two different callsigns for their activities. Operations on the mainland will use the callsign 9G5TT, while operations on AF-084 will use 9G5XX. Activity will be on all HF bands (160-10 meters) and modes. Silvano states that they do not have a licence for 60 meters and 6 meters. On AF-84 there will be one station on 20 meters only. The time of the operation on the island will be on a day to day basis and will depend on the sea condition and weather forecast. QSL via I2YSB, direct only. More information can be found at: http://www.i2ysb. com

DOMINICA, J7. Pierre, HB9CUA is QRV as J79PAK until August 6. He has been active mostly on 6 meters, but with some 17 and 15 meter activity as well. QSL to home call.

GREECE, SV. Operators HA8UT, HA8TU, HA8TT, HG8AA and HA8SS are QRV as J42Z, SX2Z and SV2/homecalls until August 4. Activity is on 40 to 6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via HA8UT.

SURINAM: DX and CQWW SSB - I just got word that the callsign PZ5M has been assigned for my operation this fall. It will be used in and outside the contest. Active from October 22nd to 29th, - 160 to 6m, CW, RTTY and SSB. QSL via AJ9C – for direct include SASE or USD for QSL return postage. 73 Mike/aj9c Tks Bill, NG3K. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

CANADA - W7EME will be qrv 144MHz portable VO2 - Aloha to all – I will be portable VO2 on 144MHz from Zone 2, for the 20th through 24th August Moon. QTH is Labrador City, NL and approx. location will be 52.945457,-66.917939 looks to be the top of FO62 for your window calculations. This trip is for dear Dave, but hope to work many of you. I will drop a few important details here in the coming days. Those of you manning the event calanders, please plug me in. Jeremy - SOURCE: Jeremy, W7EME, via MoonNet - Tks MMM VHF and Guy, DL8EBW. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

USA: - N9SS Grid-pedition on 50 MHz and 144 MHz My plans are to have 6 & 2 meters, 100w, WSJT, SSB, CW, and rove in the DN63,64,65,66 area as needed for any grid hunters. I will be staying in a cabin during the first week of August in DN64 and will be active on the weekend of August 8 & 9 in the neighboring grids. I will have internet if the Verizon Wireless works out there, otherwise I will use a HF liaison to coordinate my times of operation. If you need a grid on the way or in the neighborhood let me know and I will see if I can accommodate you. n9ssham 73s SOURCE: Dave, N9SS, via WSJT Reflector - Tks MMM VHF and Guy, DL8EBW. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

5B, CYPRUS. Terence, G4MKP, will be active as 5B/G4MKP from Tsada village near Pafos between August 14-25th. Activity will be mainly CW on 80-10 meters. QSL via M0URX.

KP1, NAVASSA (Rumor). It was reported to OPDX by Bob Allphin, K4UEE, that the following rumor "a permit has been issued to the group that did Desecheo recently. An operation will take place next year. Info from Dave K4SSU, one of the ops" -- "IS NOT TRUE".

ANDORRA, C3. Vini, IK2CIO, will be active as C31/IK2CIO between August 6 and 12. Activity will be holiday style on 160 through 6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL to IK2CIO, via the Bureau or direct.

4W - Al, CT1GPQ will be active from East Timor (callsign TBA) between 3 August and 3 October. He plans to operate mainly CW, with some SSB and RTTY, on 40 and 30 metres (with a dipole) as well as on 20 and 17 metres (with square loops). Al will be part of a medical team, and will be QRV only when time permits. QSL via CT1GFK, who will also the pilot station (he can be reached at star@algarvedx. com). Updates and on-line log search will be available at http://algarvedx. com [TNX CT1GFK].

9G - Alfeo/I1HJT, Silvano / I2YSB, Carlo / IK1AOD, Vinicio/IK2CIO, Angelo /IK2CKR, Marcello / IK2DIA, Stefano / IK2HKT and Donato / IZ2CHO will be active as 9G5TT from Busua Beach, Ghana on 13-27 November. They will have three stations active on 80-10 metres (neither 160m nor 6m are allowed) CW, SSB and RTTY. They will also operate as 9G5XX from nearby Abokwa Island (AF-084), with one station on 20 metres. Activity form the island will be planned day by day, depending on sea conditions and weather forecast. QSL via I2YSB, direct only. Further information can be found at http://www.i2ysb. com/

CP - Toni, EA5RM will be working in Bolivia in August, and expects to operate as CP1XRM in his spare time. [TNX EA5RM].


HB0/F5LMJ - Alain, F5LMJ, made 1036 QSO from the Vaduz Highs. The log is online at : The QSL card is ready to be sent to the printer. All the QSOO will be confirmed by the bureau and uploaded on LOTW. Tks Alain, F5LMJ. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

CS28MCF LOG. The Algarve S.T.A.R. DX Team reports that CS28MCF is now QRT. Last QSO was at 2259z, July 19th. They made 6491 QSOs and the Log is online at: http://algarvedx. com

CHESTERFIELD ISLAND. Operators George/AA7JV and Tomi/HA7RY will be
active as TX3A between November 23rd and December 6th. The TX3A license is valid for 14 days only between the dates listed above. Because these dates could change (due to weather and other things), they "may" have to operate as FK/AA7JV or FK/HA7RY before and after this period. These are the same operators that activated VK9GMW from Mellish Reef, and they plan to make this another simple low-band DXpedition. Their priorities will be 160, 80 and 40 meters, in that order. They will be active on the higher bands the rest of the time. The operators will use the same antenna that they used on Mellish Reef, but they have developed a new RX antenna, which they hope will improve their RX capabilities. QSL via HA7RY: * Mailing direct -Please include 2 USDs with every direct QSL request for up to three cards per envelope. If you send International Reply Coupons (IRC), please make sure that it is not expired or is not
about to expire. DO NOT SEND IRCs that are valid only until end of 2009! Cards are likely to be posted only early 2010. Mailing address: Tamas Pekarik, Alagi ut 15, H-2151 Fot, HUNGARY - * The preferred way is using the "Online QSL Request Service" (OQRS) on their Web site which they will launch once the DXpedition is over. You can use that form to request your direct QSL and cover the costs of sending the QSL card to you direct by using PayPal. They request a minimum of 5 USDs or 4 EUROs for this service. - * LoTW and eQSL: The log will be placed onto the LoTW and eQSL systems. * Bureau: They will launch an "Online QSL Request Service" (OQRS) on their Web site as soon as the expedition is over. If you want to receive your QSL via the bureau, please use that form to request the card. They will check your QSOs against the log and send your card to you via the bureau. This method will allow them faster processing, helps them protect the environment and you will receive your TX3A card faster. If you request your bureau card online, please do NOT request a direct card and do NOT send us your QSL card. More detailed information is available on their new Web page at: http://www.TX3A. com

VK9N, NORFOLK ISLANDS (Update/QSL Manager Change). Members of the Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia (HARAOA Group) continue to be active as VK9NI until July 29th. The HARAOA Group plans to have 4-5 stations on the air and plans to be active on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. They plan to take part in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th) during their stay. PLEASE NOTE: QSL via VK3HR (NOT W3HNK as first announced -- Joe states that he was asked to step aside!). More details and updates are available at: http://www.vk9ni. com Also on Twitter at: http://twitter. com/VK9NI

VY1, CANADA (Yukon RTTY Activity Planned). Steve, N6QEK, is making plans a little early for the 2010 RTTY Roundup. He is all set to operate during the 2010 running of the RTTY Roundup from the Yukon Territory. His callsign will be VY1/N6QEK. The dates of operation will be during the contest and a day or so before and after. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. He has a Web site up and running for this operation at: http://www.n6qek. com

MS CONTEST ---> The VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF, in co-operation with the magazines DUBUS and Funk-Telegramm (by Joachim, DL8HCZ), organizes the second edition of the 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest, which will take place on 12 August (from 00.00 UTC through 23.59 UTC). Details and rules can be found at http://www.mmmonvhf .de/ctest. php [TNX DL8EBW].

QSL VK9NI ---> Please note that the QSL route for the current VK9NI operation from Norfolk Island [425DXN 947] has changed and is no longer via W3HNK. The new route is via VK3HR (Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia Inc., P.O. Box 57, Richmond, VIC 3121, Australia). The website for the operation is at www.vk9ni. com; a log search is up and running at www.clublog. org/expeditions/ VK9NI

UKRAINIAN LIGHTHOUSES ---> Several activities from lighthouses in Ukraine are expected to take place between now and mid-August. Details can be found on the Ukrainian Lighthouses on the Air programme's website at http://www.lights. [TNX US4LGW].

+ SILENT KEYS + Walter Cronkite (KB2GSD), the legendary CBS Evening News anchor (1962-1981), passed away on 17 July at 92 years of age. Other recently reported Silent Keys include Ken Willis (G8VR), Bill Lee (GW3MFY), Jackson "Murray" Neece (K5MDM), Antonin Vavra (OK2PCX), Sergej I. Mokrinskij (RW0AW) and Frank M. Sicuro, Sr. (W5UP).

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND (AF-003). Jim, N6TJ, will once again be active from here as ZD8Z between July 30th and August 7th. Activity will be on all bands CW/SSB. QSL via his new manager AI4U, direct or by the Bureau.

Contest DXCC IOTA Island QSL
Callsign Entity Route
4D1N Philippines OC-042 Luzon DV1UBY
8J120TDC/2 Japan AS-117 Mikomoto 8J120TDC
9A Croatia EU-170 Passman via homecall, Buro/direct
9A/OE3ZK Croatia EU-016 Korcula OE3ZK; by Buro or direct
9A/S59W Croatia EU-170 Ugljan S59W Buro
9A/US0VA Croatia EU-136 Losinj US0VA
9A/VE3ZIK Croatia EU-170 Hrid Kukuljar DO7ZZ
9A5BDD Croatia EU-170 Pag
9A8ZRS Croatia EU-090 Vela Palagruza TBA
A43SI Oman AS-112 Suwadi A47RS
AM1M Spain EU-142 Mouro EA1DR
AO1I Spain EU-077 Lobeira Grande EA1NT; Buro or direct
AO8Y Canary Islands AF-004 La Palma EA4YK; Buro or direct
BX5AA Taiwan AS-020 Taiwan BX5AA
C6APR Bahamas NA-113 Crooked K3IXD
CG200I Canada NA-128 Ile Verte VE2CQ; Buro or direct
CO8ZZ Cuba NA-015 Isla de Cuba DK1WI
CR2W Azores EU-175 Faial CT1GFK; Buro or direct
CR3D Madeira Island AF-046 Chao LoTW
CR3R Madeira Island AF-046 Chao LoTW; via CT1BOL, direct
CR3T Madeira Island AF-014 Madeira LoTW or direct to CT3KN
D93I South Korea AS-060 Pigum DS4NYE
DL5AUA/p Germany EU-127 Neuwerk DL5AUA
DL5KUD Germany EU-057 Ruegen DL5KUD Buro
DL5XAT/p Germany EU-128 Fehmarn DL5XAT
DL0KWH/p Germany EU-129 Usedom DL0KWH Buro
E51SC South Cook Islands OC-013 Rarotonga LoTW; via G4KIU, RSGB Buro
EA1/GM4WZG/p Spain EU-080 Arosa GM4WZG
EF8R Canary Islands AF-004 Gran Canaria LoTW
EI/ON4EI Ireland EU-115 Main ON4EI
EI2JD Ireland EU-115 Main EI2JD
EJ/DL5CW Ireland EU-007 Great Blasket DL5CW
EJ1DD Ireland EU-121 Clare EI7CC
EJ3GKB Ireland EU-006 Inisheer EI3GKB Direct
EJ0GI Ireland EU-006 Inisheer EI2SDR
ES0U Estonia EU-034 Saaremaa ES0U Buro
F/ON7JA France EU-064 Noirmoutier ON7JA; Buro or direct
F/OT2A France EU-105 Ile de Batz ON4HIL
F/0T3T France EU-039 Grande ON7EQ; Buro or direct
F5KKD/p France EU-068 Ile de Sein F5KKD; Buro or direct
F5RAB/p France EU-156 Tombelaine F5RAB
F5SGI/p France EU-048 Belle Ile
F8CFE/p France EU-157 Agot F8CFE
G0UIH/m England EU-005 Isle of Walney G0UIH; Buro or direct
GB100SS England EU-005 Isle of Sheppey
GD0F Isle of Man EU-116 Isle of Man
GI0ADX Northern Ireland EU-122 Rathlin MM0DHQ Buro
GI0MPG Northern Ireland EU-122 Rathlin GI0MPG; Buro or direct
GJ6YB Jersey EU-013 Jersey G3SWH
GM2T Scotland EU-008 Tiree LoTW; via GM4UYZ
GM4UBJ/p Scotland EU-008 Isle of Skye LoTW; via GM4UBJ, Buro,
direct, or eQSL
GM5A Scotland EU-059 Hirta TBA
GM7A Scotland EU-008 Kerrera GM7AAJ
GM7V Scotland EU-010 Benbecula M0CMK
GM0B Scotland EU-123 Isle of Bute MM0BHX
GW2L Wales EU-124 Holy G8ATD
HQ9R Honduras NA-057 Roatan K5WW; Buro or direct,
no cards to WQ7R
HS0AC/p Thailand AS-107 Si Chang HS0ZFZ
IA5 Italy EU-028 Capraia Home Call
IA5K Italy EU-028 Elba IZ5BTC
IB0R Italy EU-045 Ponza IK8HCG Direct
IC8/IW8EHK Italy EU-031 Capri IK7JWX; Buro, direct,
or eQSL
IC8WIC Italy EU-031 Capri IC8WIC; Buro or direct
IH9/IZ2LSC Italy AF-018 Pantelleria LoTW; via IZ2LSC, Buro only
IH9YMC Italy AF-018 Pantelleria IH9YMC Direct
IM0/I0PNM Italy EU-165 San Pietro I0PNM Direct
IM0/IS0BRQ/p Italy EU-024 Isola Ferraglione IS0BRQ
IM0M Italy EU-165 Asinara IS0MKX
IR8DX Italy EU-144 Santo Janni Rock LoTW
IS0/OM8A Sardinia EU-024 Sardinia OM2VL
IS0B Sardinia EU-024 Sardinia
J49A Crete EU-015 Cape Sidiro Direct or via LoTW
K1VSJ USA NA-046 Martha's Vineyard K1VSJ; Buro or direct
K2WR/1 USA NA-055 Vinalhaven LoTW; via K2WR
KO1U USA NA-137 Cousins KO1U
KU8E USA NA-085 St. George KU8E
LA/DH0JAE Norway EU-055 Bomlo DH0JAE
LA/OE9ICI Norway EU-036 Hitra OE9ICI; Buro or direct
LT5X Argentina SA-008 Isla Grande LoTW
M3TBC England EU-123 Arran M3VCQ
M8C England EU-011 St Mary G4DFI
MD4K Isle of Man EU-116 Isle of Man G3NKC
MJ0ASP Jersey EU-013 Jersey MJ0ASP
MM/DL6MHW Scotland EU-008 Isle of Mull DL6MHW
MM3M Scotland EU-123 Isle of Arran G3VCQ; Buro or direct
MM3RDP/p Scotland EU-008 Isle of Skye MM3RDP; Buro or direct
MM3T Scotland EU-008 Isle of Skye MM3T eQSL
MM0LSB/p Scotland EU-010 Great Bernera M0LSB; Buro or direct
MM0MMK/p Scotland EU-008 Tiree MM0MMK
MM0Q Scotland EU-092 Tanera Mor LoTW; via MM0BQI, Buro or
MM0TFU/p Scotland EU-123 Arran MM0TFU; Buro or direct
MW9W Wales EU-124 Ramsey M0URX
N1LI USA NA-137 Long N1LI
N2US/p USA NA-139 Assateague N2US
N4A USA NA-067 Core Banks N4YDU Direct
N5LYG USA NA-143 Galveston N5LYG
OF200AD Finland EU-140 Kuorsalo OH5AD
OH/G4FSU Finland EU-097 Emsalo G4FSU
OH0V Aland Island EU-002 Aland OH6LI
OH0Z Aland Island EU-002 Aland W0MM
OY/OZ1AA Faroe Island EU-018 Streymoy OZ1ACB
OY1CT Faroe Island EU-018 Streymoy OY1CT
OZ/DL2JRM Denmark EU-171 Vendsyssel DL2JRM
OZ/DL4FO Denmark EU-172 Tuno DL4FO
OZ/DO6XX Denmark EU-171 Vendsyssel DO6XX
OZ/ON6QR Denmark EU-172 Aro ON6QR
OZ/PA1H Denmark EU-172 Lango PA1H; Buro or direct
OZ/PA7PA Denmark EU-172 Lango PA1H; Buro or direct
OZ5THY Denmark EU-171 Vendsyssel OZ5THY
OZ8MW/p Denmark EU-088 Anholt OZ8MW; Buro or direct
OZ0FR Denmark EU-125 Romo DL2VFR; via DARC Buro
P29CS Papua New Guinea OC-069 Lihir P29CS
P3J Cyprus AS-004 Cyprus 5B4AHJ
PA/OQ4T/p Netherlands EU-146 Schouwen Duiveland ON4TO
PA/OQ9A Netherlands EU-038 Texel
PA/OT7X/p Netherlands EU-146 Schouwen Duiveland ON4ON
PA1WLB/p Netherlands EU-146 Schouwen Duiveland PA1WLB
PA3FKN Netherlands EU-038 Texel PA3FKN
PA6Z Netherlands EU-146 Schouwen Duiveland PA9M
PD5CW Netherlands EU-146 Schouwen Duiveland PD5CW; Buro or direct
PE1OPM Netherlands EU-146 Schouwen Duiveland PE1OPM; Buro or direct
PE1OXV Netherlands EU-146 Schouwen Duiveland PE1OXV; Buro or direct
PR5D Brazil SA-047 Ilha do Mel PY5DC
PT5T Brazil SA-026 Santa Catarina K3IRV
PV6I Brazil SA-023 Itaparica PT2OP; direct preferred,
but Buro OK
RI1AA Russia (Europe) EU-133 Bolshoi Berezovyy UA1AIR; Buro or direct
RI1OP Russia (Europe) EU-153 Purluda RW3WW
RW0IM/p Russia (Europe) EU-147 Nedorazu-meniya RW0IM
RW0MM/p Russia (Asia) AS-066 Reyneke RW0MM
SA1A Sweden EU-020 Gotland SM1TDE Buro
SF2X Sweden EU-135 Ledskar SM5EFX; Buro or direct
SK6M Sweden EU-043 Tjorn SM6FKF
SM5/G3LAS Sweden EU-084 Fogdo
SM5ELV/5 Sweden EU-177 Aspoja SM5ELV; Buro or direct
SM6EQO/p Sweden EU-043 Styrso SM6EQO
SN1A Poland EU-129 Usedom SP1EG
SP3BJK/1 Poland EU-132 Wolin SP3BJK
SP7VC/1 Poland EU-132 Wolin SP7VC
SP8RX/1 Poland EU-132 Wolin DJ0IF
SQ3RX/1 Poland EU-132 Wolin SQ3RX
SV5/OK6Y Dodecanese EU-001 Kos OK2PTZ
SV8/OE3MZC/p Greece EU-052 Corfu OE3MZC Buro
SV8GGI Greece EU-060 Skyros SV8GGI
SX8M Greece EU-067 Milos SV1JG; Buro or direct
SX8R Greece EU-174 Thassos HA0NAR; Buro or direct
SX8Z Greece EU-113 Kythira LoTW; via SV1DPI direct
T47D Cuba NA-201 Cayo Anclitas CO7PH
TK/OM2FY Corsica EU-014 Corsica OM2FY
TK5UX Corsica EU-014 Corsica F5MUX; prefer QSL via eQSL
TM7C France EU-064 Noirmoutier F5CWU; Buro or direct
TM7O France EU-032 Oleron GW3SQX
UA3EDQ/1 Russia (Europe) EU-147 Yakostrov UA3EDQ
UA0IDZ/p Russia (Europe) EU-147 Nedorazu-meniya UA0IDZ
UU7J/p Ukraine EU-180 Tuzla UU0JM
UW0G Ukraine EU-179 Kalanchakskiy TBA
V31UR Belize NA-073 Caye Caulker W6UR; Buro or direct
VA7PX Canada NA-075 Mayne
VC8B Canada NA-129 Banks VE8EV; Buro or direct
(SAE + 2GS or IRC)
VE Canada NA-091 Taxeda
VK9NI Norfolk Island OC-005 Norfolk VK3HR
VO1AU Canada NA-198 Bell VO1AU
VO1HP Canada NA-027 Newfoundland LoTW
VY2Z Canada NA-029 Prince Edward VE3ZZ; Buro or direct
W2IY/1 USA NA-055 Mt Desert W2IY; Buro or eQSL
W3RFA USA NA-140 Smith W3RFA
W4T USA NA-083 Tangier LoTW; via K5VIP
W8ND/VE1 Canada NA-081 Big Tancook K8MCN; Buro or direct
YB4IR Indonesia OC-143 Sumatra LoTW; via eQSL
YC9MDX Indonesia OC-148 Timor
YM0T Turkey AS-159 Kefken TA2RC
ZZ6Z Brazil SA-023 Itaparica LoTW; via PY6HD, Buro
or direct

SOFTWARE - QARTest version 2.4.5 - To: Consumers QARTest I inform you that the new release is on-line 2.4.5 of QARTest. These the novelties: to. Management Contest of the Italian Provinces 50MHz - b.. hourly Graph QSO: Visualization for gang or way Possibility to copy the graph as image in the notes of Windows - c.. New I remove interfacciata through CAT: Icom IC-761- The manual is adjourned and it is on-line. Download software and manual here: http://www.ik3qar. it/software / qartest_ita / download / They are to disposition for possible explanations and suggestions, eventually also on skype (previous sked). 73 Paul IK3QAR Communications QARTest - Windows Approves and the logs of QARTest - Often happen me to receive applications of help from consumers that use Windows Sight and they don't succeed in finding the files of the log produced by QARTest where if they wait for him. Windows Approves it doesn't allow that the programs clerk directly in the briefcase where it is
installed the software, and therefore it moves elsewhere the logs. This is the motive for which the logs seem disappeared. How to do for recovering them? You find all the information on the manual of QARTest in the section FAQ (frequent questions), at the end of the manual. I look for photo with QARTest "in action" I am picking up photo that withdraws operating in action while they are using QARTest from sets fouri from Italy, "exotic" (islands, mini DXPedition etc..) or unusual. The ideal would be that in the photo the nominative was seen also. When I will have reached an enough number, will publish her on the site. Thanks for the collaboration. Declared scores - I still remember that on my site it is present a space devoted to the Italian contesterses where the declared scores and the comments can be inserted for the principals
contest national HF/VHF and foreigners. You also insert you your score: in this way will be possible to compare with immediateness his/her own score with to that of the other competitors. This is the link: http://www.ik3qar. it/contest / declared /

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The 144 MHz Digital EME Championship, IOTA Contest and the Flight of the Bumblebees are on tap for this weekend. Please see July QST, page 76 and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest Web Sites for details.

FRANCE : On next Saturday morning, starting around 0600 utc, look for François, F5JNE and Gerard, F6ICG, to be active ad F5JNE/p, from the Castle of Vizaine, dfcf 58100, in the city of Ouroux en Morvan, zip code 58230, in the canton of Montsauches kes Settons DDCF 58-14 (New one) 80/40m, CW/SSB, qsl bureau and swl cards welcome. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

PORTUGAL: Hi, CS28MCF full log and more few pictures are avaiable now on http://algarvedx. com CR2F speciall call from Faial Island, Azores is on air now Algarve STAR DX Team member HB9CRV is on the dx'pedition crew. 73's Algarve STAR DX Team. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

VHF : INFO: The VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF in cooperation with the magazines DUBUS and Funk-Telegramm (by Joachim, DL8HCZ) invite you to take part in our new 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest, which took place for the first time in the 2008 Perseid shower and will be run year by year now MMMonVHF Meteorscatter Sprint Contest Periode 2009: Date: 12 August 2009 Time period: 00.00hrs till 23.59hrs UT (End time of the last complete QSO). Infos and Rules you will be found at: - (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

NORFOLK QSL: VK9NI goes via VK3HR...NOT W3HNK....Ive been asked to step aside! Joe W3HNK. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

3DA0 - David, GI4FUM/EI4DJ (3DA0DJ) will be visiting Swaziland for the third time, from 30 July to 11 August. This year he will be joined by Tony/G4LDL (3DA0TB), Malcolm/GM3TAL (3DA0MH), Gerry/M0VAA (3DA0VA), Mike / NC4MM (3DA0MM) and Yuri / UT5EL (3DA0EL). The purpose of this trip is to service a scout radio station at an international scout camp near Manzini with the callsign 3DA0SS, using wire antennas and relatively low power. The main operation site will be at the Hawane Resort in Western Swaziland, where there is a good antenna farm and they can run high power. They will operate two HF stations around the clock, depending on propagation. QSLs via GI4FUM. Further details and photographs are available at http://www.gi4fum. [TNX GI4FUM/EI4DJ].

FK/C - George, AA7JV and Tomi, HA7RY will be active as TX3A from the Chesterfield Islands (OC-176) between 23 November and 6 December (actual operating dates are subject to change due to weather and other variables). The callsign TX3A is licensed for only 14 days of operation. Should they arrive earlier or leave later that the dates licensed, they will operate as FK/AA7JV or FK/HA7RY. Although George and Tomi intend be active also on the higher bands, this will be "another simple low-band DXpedition" with a strong focus on 160, 80 and 40 metres (in that order). QSL via HA7RY, direct or bureau. The use of the Online QSL Request Service (to be launched on the website once the expedition is over) is encouraged. The log will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. Further information and updates can be found at http://www.tx3a. com/ [TNX HA0HW and AA7JV].

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009




THASSOS ISLAND (EU-174) -HA0HW Laci informs to the "DX Bulletin XE1BEF" that I had a conversation today with Laci, HA0NAR. He told me: He will again be SX8R from Thassos island ( EU-174, MIA: MG-124, GIOTA: NAS-037, WLOTA: LH-4186, QRA: KN20hs), Greece. The operation will take place on 22-31 July including The IOTA Contest. He will operate on cw and ssb on 80-10 +6 m with 100 watts and monoband antennas. (Inverted Vee for 80m and verticals on Spider pole and fishing roods for other bands). QSL via home call, via HA bureau or direct as QRZ.COM addres shows. 73 de Laci

LIGHTHOUSE - HA0HW Laci informs to the "DX Bulletin XE1BEF" that Pista, HA5GY will be on Balearic Islands EU-004 on 14-20 July as EA6/HA5GY/qrp with a FT-817 and LW, and inverted Vee antennas for 7-10-14 MHz. On 15 July he will operate from the BAL-005 lighthouse, QRA is JM19EN. QSL via home call. 73 de Laci

IOTA - LIGHTHOUSE AZORES - Carlos Nora CT1END informs to the "DX Bulletin XE1BEF" that IOTA and Lighthouse activity from Faial, CU7 Azores - A GPDX expedition - IOTA contest: July 25 – 26, 2009, 12.00 UT – 12.00 UTC - Call: CR2W m/s expedition category, IOTA EU 175 - QTH: Cedros, North coast of Faial - QSL via CT1GFK, bureau OK; via email to - Lighthouse operation - Date: July 18 – 24 and July 27 – 31, 2009 - Call: CR2F - Lighthouse: Farol da Ribeirinha WLOTA 1830 - Locator: HM58qo - DIP: AZ-007 - Bands: 6m - 80m. Modes: CW, SSB, RTTY. 50 MHz Operation: We are QRV around 50.113 MHz with CR2W as call. In case of openings SMS reports can be sent to 00351 967200392. Team: CT1EEQ, CT1EGW, CT3FN / HB9CRV, CU8AS, DJ2VO, HB9CQL. Caldeira do Faial Natural Reserve - Date: July 29 and 30, 2009. Call: CR2N – not yet confirmed. DPRN # FF-212 - WFF # CTFF-46. Diploma dos Parques e Reservas Naturais e Paisagens Protegidas - Natural Parks, Reserves and Protected Landscapes Award Team: CT3FN / HB9CRV, CU8AS, DJ2VO, HB9CQL. QSL via CT1GFK, bureau OK; via email to - Online logs will be available on: More information see HB9CRV / CT3FN July 14, 2009.

AF-004. Operators Federico/EA8DN, Maria/EA8BJJ, Rosa/EC3AJW and Ricardo / EA4YK will be active as AO8Y from the Island of La Palma (DIE S-012, WLOTA L 1648) during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). QSL via EA4YK, direct or by the Bureau. Visit their Web site at:

AS-040. Operators JA6VDB and JE6AQP will be active as homecall/6 from Nozaki Island, Ojika Island and Goto Island in the Nagasaki Prefecture, between August 8-12th. Activity will be on 40-15 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via their home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
AS-107. Members of the HSDXA (Thailand DX Association) will activate Si Chang Island as HS0AC/p during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th) between 1100z, July 25th and 1100z, July 26th. QSL via HS0ZFZ. Operators mentioned are: Cy / HS0GBI, Winit / HS1CKC, Son / HS6NDK, Choon / E20HHK, Supote / E20NTS, Manfred / HS0ZEU, Swen / HS0ZFZ, Nathan / HS0ZHG, Mike / HS0ZHS, Paul / HS0ZIN, Juthathip / HS3SAD, Supaporn / HS7ZVC, and possibly others.

AS-185. VERY RARE (#2).. A group of operators will be active as 3W6C from Con Co Island, Vietnam, between April 10-18th, 2010. Operators mentioned as of today: Team Leader Hans-Peter / HB9BXE, Jan / DJ8NK, Hansruedi / HB9BHW, Rene / HB9BQI, Christine / HB9BQW, Hansjurg / HB9DKZ, Paul / HB9DST / AA1MI, Friedhelm / HB9JBI, Matthias / HB9JCI, Peter / HB9PJT, Rolf / HB9TVR, Casimir / HB9WBU, Eddy / XV1X and Michal / XV9DX. The team is looking for sponsors. Complete details are available at:

EU-008. William, GM4UBJ, will be active as homecall/p from the Isle of Skye (IOSA NH07, SCOTIA CN14, WLOTA 1626) between July 19-31st. His activity will be holiday style, but he plans to participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). QSL via his home callsign, direct, by the Bureau, e-QSL and LoTW.

EU-016. Gert, OE3ZK, will be active as 9A/OE3ZK from the Island of Korcula (ACIA IC-767, CIA-19, IOCA CI-041, MIA MC-163, WLOTA 1315), July 21-30th. Activity will be on all bands using SSB, CW and RTTY. Check the IOTA frequencies. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

EU-024. Giacomo "Jack", IZ3DBA, will be active from Sardinia (IIA SD-001, MIA MIS-035, WLOTA 1608), August 1-10th. Activity will be on all HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

EU-028. Members of the "IA5K team" will be active from Elba Island (IIA LI-020, MIA MI-022, WLOTA 0609) during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). Operators mentioned are: Max / IZ5BTC, Stefano / IZ5MMN / KI6RVQ, Gabriele / IZ5FDD / KI6RVR and possibly other SWLs. QSL Manager is IZ5BTC.

EU-028. Paolo, IK2MLS, will be active from the Elba Island (IIA LI-001, MIA MI-022, WLOTA 0609), August 3-10th. Activity will be holiday style on all HF bands, plus VHF operation. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

EU-032. Ed, GW3SQX, will be active using the special callsign TM7O from the Island of Oleron (DIFM AT-025, WLOTA 1369), July 25-27th. Activity will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th) with operations on all HF bands, mostly CW. QSL direct to GW3SQX.

EU-036. Chris, OE9ICI, will be active as LA/OE9ICI from Kvenvaer, Hitra Island (WW Loc. JP43EM) between July 19th and August 1st. Activity will be on all HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau (No eQSL!).

EU-041. Giacomo "Jack", IZ3DBA, will be active as IM0/IZ3DBA from Maddalena Island (IIA OT-008, MIA MIS-013) between July 28th and August 1st. Activity will be on all HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. Visit his Web site at:

EU-055. Operators Henk/PA3FMC and Ruud/PE1BTV and Hans/PH0V will be active as LA/homecall from Utvaer island (WLOTA 2373, WW Loc. JP21GA), August 10-18th. Look for LA/PE1BTV and LA/PH0V to be active on VHF-MS from JP21GA and LA/PA3FMC on HF. QSL via their home callsigns, direct or by the Bureau.

EU-067. Nick, SV1CEI, will be active as homecall/8 from Kea Island in the Kyklades (Cyclades) IOTA group until August 25th. QSL via his homecall, direct or by the bureau.

EU-077. Luis, EA1NT, will be active as AO1I from the Island of Lobeira Grande (DIE O-133, WLOTA L 4092), July 24-26th. Activity will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). Operations will be on all HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. Visit his Web site at:

EU-088. Operators Ole/OZ2TF, Klaus/OZ7KDJ and Erik/OZ9V will be active as OZ8MW/p from Anholt Island (DIA NK-001) between July 22-27th. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15/ 10 meters before the IOTA Contest. They will be in the IOTA Contest. Also, look for activity on 6 meters using a FT-920, 5 element beam at 15 meters. QSL via OZ8MW, direct or bureau.

EU-120. Members of the Medway Reynet and operators Chris / M0DOL, Morris / M0MAO and Gary / M0NNH will activate special event station GB100SS from Isle of Sheppey (WAB TR15, LOC. JO01kj) on all bands between July 25-27th. Activity is to celebrate the 100th anniversary on the fly machines in that country. Read about the details at:

EU-125. Axel, DL7VEA, will be active as OZ7VEA from Romo Island [aka Roemoe] (DIA NS-001), August 2-21st. Activity will be on all HF bands and modes. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

EU-157. Stephane, F8CFE, will be active as homecall/p from the Ile Agot (DIFM MA-009) during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). No bands/modes of activity or entry category was provided. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

EU-170. A Hungarian group will take part in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th) again this year. Activity will be from Pasman Island (IOCA-085, JN73QW), Croatia, between July 20-29th. Before and after the contest you can find them on all HF bands and 6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. The operators mentioned are: Laci / HA6NL, Zsolt / HA6PS, Al / HA7JJS and Laci / HA7PL. All operators will sign 9A/homecall except Laci/HA6NL; he will sign 9A6NL. QSL via HA Bureau or direct by the operators home addresses on For direct requests, please enclose SAE and 1 (valid, new) IRC or 2 USDs. Without this, the QSL will go via the bureau.

EU-174. Gabi, HA1YA, will be active as J48YA from Thasos [aka Thassos] Island (GIOTA NAS-037, MIA MG-124, WLOTA 4186, WW Loc. KN20HS) between August 25th and September 8th. Activity will be on the HF bands, 4m, 6m and 2m. QSL via his home callsign.

NA-067. Operators Frances/AJ4JQ and Jonathan/KJ4IZB hope to be active as AJ4JQ from Hatteras [aka Pea] Island (USI NC-005S, WLOTA 3913) between July 12-18th. Frances reports "This is just a vacation, so I can not guarantee that I or my Dad, KJ4IZB, will be on the air from any particular place at any particular time, but I know we will visit Hatteras and Roanoke islands, so I will try to bring the gear along. QSL via home call (

NA-067. Members of the North Carolina Contesters Club (NR3X) will be active as N4A from Core Banks (USI NC-033S, WLOTA 0596, Pamlico County, North Carolina), July 22-27th. Activity will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). Operators mentioned are: Nate / N4YDU, Keith / W4KAZ, Barry / K4CZ, Dan / N3ND and Jack / W0UCE. They will use 100 watts into wire antennas and expect to be on or near the usual island/IOTA frequencies. QSL direct to N4YDU (

NA-137. Members of the Long Island DX Society (N1LI) will be active from Long Island (USI ME-083S, Cumberland County, Maine) during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). QSL via K1DG: Doug Grant, PO Box 301, Long Island, ME 04050 USA (SASE would be appreciated) .

NA-139. Stan, N2US, will be active as homecall/p from Assateague Island (USI VA-024S, Accomack County, Virginia), and the lighthouse (ARLHS USA-021, WLOTA 4206) during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th) as a Single-Op/12 Hour/Low-Power entry. QSL via his home callsign (

NA-143. Bill, N5LYG, will be active from Galveston Island (USI TX-001S, Galveston County, Texas) during the RSGB IOTA Contest as a Single-Op/Mixed- Mode entry. QSL via his home callsign ( Visit his Web site at:

NA-230. Cezar, VE3LYC, will attempt his most difficult operation to date: activating for the first time the Ottawa Islands (IOTA NA-230) group in Hudson Bay. Name of the specific island and exact dates are not available at this time, but they will be announced a few days in advance of the operation. Cezar seeks to be on the air for 3 full days during the period July 25th to August 10th using the callsign VY0O. Ottawa Islands are 12-14 hours away from shore and transportation requires a large boat. This is not a leisure trip. Traditionally, unstable weather patterns, unknown local landing conditions, high seas, the presence of ice chunks in the Bay, potential presence of polar bears (since islands are cooled by cold winds in summer), and other logistical aspects make this trip extremely challenging. Cezar will work towards a successful attempt but wants to convey to the island chasers that this operation may be aborted as safety comes first. At this time Cezar seeks group and individual donors who understand and appreciate the difficult and expensive task ahead and are willing to be part of this effort. All those who will contribute financially will be acknowledged. He mentions that past support from EU stations has been disproportionate with their QSO demand (45% of QSOs but only 25% support for VY0A), but hopes that this situation will improve. Direct and bureau QSL instructions will be announced in due course. He requests, "I am desperately trying to find support for this operation. Any help will be so much appreciated. "

SARDINIA (EU-024). Operators Rastislav / OM3BH, Jozef / OM3GI, Jozef / OM3NA and Tibor / OM3RM will be active as IS0/OM8A during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th) as a Single-Op(?? ?)/All-Band/ High-Power/ DXpedition entry. QSL via OM2VL.

SARDINIA ISLAND - RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26, 2009) - op om3rm - callsign IS0/OM8A - Sardinia isl EU-024 - SOAB HP Dxpedition - QSL via OM2VL. Operators:OM3BH, OM3GI, OM3NA, OM3RM. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

SWUADI ISLAND - Would like to inform you that DXpedition team from The Royal Omani Amateur radio Society would be active from Suwadi Island AS-112 during IOTA Contest 2009. The Callsign is A43SI. Thank you, A41MA – Younis. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

ST. LUCIA. Howard, WB6WXE, is now active as J6/WB4WXE until July 20th. He was spotted on 6 meters this past weekend using a 6 element beam and 350 watts and operating from a site which is at 2,000 feet ASL. Howard is expected to be active on other bands when 6m is quiet, especially on 17 meters. QSL via his home callsign.

IRELAND: - IOTA Rathlin Isl EU-122 Sean EI4GK, Pete EI4GZB, Declan EI9HQ, Pete GI4VIV and Joe EI7GY are going back to Rathlin Island again for this year's IOTA contest. They will be based in the East Lighthouse, the same QTH as last year. The call sign for the contest will be GI0MPG. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).


SWAZILAND (Ops Needed). Frosty, K5LBU, is once again looking to put together a team of operators to do the CQWW DX SSB Contest in October 2010 from Swaziland. This would be a 10 or 15 day operation with the contest in the middle. It would be possible to do a Multi-2 set up, but he doesn't think they could do a Multi-Multi operation. He would like to hear from anyone that might like to go. He plans to use one callsign for the contest and the rest of the time you can operate with your own 3DA0 callsign. His E-mail address is:

ITU HQ. Gerald Lander, HB9AJU, reports (edited) "that the callsign 4U1ITU will be put on the air only very seldom in the upcoming future. The restricted activities are the result of a general assembly of the Inter- national Amateur Radio Clubs (IARC) in May. Several reasons led to this decision including increased security levels at the ITU headquarters, a changed recognition of amateur radio in international communication and last but not least, 4U1ITU does not belonging to the most wanted countries list anymore. The IARC decided to focus their activities on special modes or conference delegates and to limit all overnight and weekend activities as much as possible. Finally the new antennas were installed on top of the Varembe building." You can see them at:

MADAGASCAR (IOTA Op). Eric, F6ICX, will be active as 5R8IC from Saint Marie Island (AF-090) between November 17th and December 15th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters. QSL via his home callsign.

OMAN (IOTA Op). Members of the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society will be activating Suwadi Island (AS-112) as A43SI during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). QSL only direct to A47RS: P.O. BOX 981, PC 113 Muscat, OMAN.

ANTARCTIC/ARCTIC UPDATED SCORES POSTED. Michel/F6DWQ and Mehdi / F5PFP from the "French Polar Team" announced that the Antarctic and Arctic Challenge scores/results have been posted on the following Web pages:
Antarctic Challenge scores:
Arctic Challenge scores:
Polar Challenge (Ant + Arct ) scores:

BOLIVIA. Toni, EA5RM, is expected to be working in Bolivia during the month of August. He informs that he expects to be on the air during his spare time as CP1XRM.

PORTUGAL. Operators Jose / CT1EHX, Joao / CT1FNT, Antonio / CT1GFK, Al / CT1GPQ, Miguel / CT1IUA and Rui / CT2IHP will be active as CS28MCF during the 28th International Motard Meeting of Faro between July 13-19th. All operators are members of the Algarve STAR DX Team. Their activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via CT1EHX.

SPECIAL EVENT -SPAIN - Look for special event station EG1SMP to be on the air between July 24th and August 7th, especial during the ham gathering in San Miguel de Pedroso between July 25-26th. Activity is by the UREBU (URE section of Burgos). Reference numbers: Los Restos del Antiguo Monasterio de San Miguel (MVBU-1259) and (DME-09048). QSL via EA2BT, by the Bureau.

ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON. Operators Tim/M0TDG and Martin/G3ZAY will be active as FP/homecall from Miquelon (NA-032), September 24-27th. Activity will be on the low bands using CW and SSB, depending on equipment availability (and airline baggage limits). QSL via their home callsigns. ADDED NOTE: Martin will also try to activate McNutt's Island (NA-126) a Canadian island on September 29th.

MAYOTTE. Willi, DJ7RJ, has received the callsign TO7RJ to be used for the period between September 22nd and October 21st, 2009. He will be using the callsign FH/DJ7RJ from October 21st until he leaves the island on October 25th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters, possibly 6m, using CW and SSB. QSL via his CBA.

El "RADIOCLUB QUERETARO, A.C." XE1RCQ informa al "DX Boletín XE1BEF" que con esta fecha ha sido autorizado el indicativo de llamada: 4C12SG Que tendrá una vigencia del 20 a 27 de Julio de 2009 para celebrar los 12 años de operación ininterrumpida en la Sierra Gorda Queretana y que con gran liderazgo ha llevado año con año el Lic. Hugo Zamudio XE1YO y su gran equipo de colaboradores. Este año estaremos operando desde el Sótano del Barro, uno de los mas profundos del mundo y que orgullosamente está dentro de nuestro Estado. También como es costumbre se hará la operación desde cada una de las Misiones. El log de esta importante operación será subido a Log of The World de la ARRL. Atentamente Ing. Alejandro Valdez O. XE1EE Presidente XE1RCQ

14 AN ------------ ---
15 AN AN - Above Normal/Geomagnetic Level is QUIET
16 AN HN - High Normal/Geomagnetic Level is UNSETTLED
18 AN ------------ ---------
19 AN QUIET - The "A" index is expected to be between
0-7 and the "K" index will be 2 or less
UNSETTLED - The "A" index is expected to be between
7-16 and "K" index will be 3 or less

SPECIAL ADDED NOTES (by editor KB8NW): CONGRATULATIONS to my good friend, "BIG" Cleveland Indians fan and propagation guru Lee Wical (KH6BZF) and Sandra Merrick on their marriage in January of this year. Your editor (and XYL) attended a special gathering this past weekend where both Lee and Sandy renewed their vows amongst family, friends and their classmates during a "1952 Mentor Class Reunion" on a ranch in Leroy Township, Ohio. Everyone had a great time with plenty of eats and congratulated/ wished Lee and Sandy the best. Your editor has been communicating with Lee for many years via the InterNet, and this was the first time I got to meet him. It was a real pleasure to meet him and his new wife. Lee is an Ohio native and was lucky as a young boy to be picked as a runner-up batboy during the 1948 World Series (which was last time the Cleveland Indians were World Champions). Lee plans to live in Hawaii during the winter and in Ohio on Sandy's ranch during the summer. He is currently active as KH6BZF/8. Also, look for Lee to be active very soon from Manitoulin Island (CISA ON-001), in Ontario, Canada.

UNITED STATES (Special Event). Operators Tom/WY3H and his son Ethan / W3IRS, and also John/K3WWP will operate N3AQC (NAQCC and FISTS Club Sation) as a special event station on August 13th from the USS Requin (Submarine) which is dry docked in the Alleghney River in Pittsburgh, Pa. Their operating times will be roughly between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (+/- a few minutes) EST (1400-1800z) . A special QSL card will be sent to all contacts. Operation will be on 20 and 40 meters only in the CW portion of the bands or course.

MARIANA ISLANDS. Koji, JL3RDC, will be active as NH0DX during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest (October 24-25th) as a Single-Op/All- Band/High- Band entry. QSL via JL3RDC direct ONLY (no Bureau).

PACIFIC TOUR. Bill, N7OU, informs OPDX that he will be making two stops in the Pacific starting mid-September and during October. His schedule is as follows: September 18-30th - Bill will be making a lightweight, solo DXpedition to Chatham Island, signing ZL7/N7OU. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, CW only, using 100w into a vertical. QSL via N7OU. October 5-30th - Bill will be on Rarotonga Island (OC-013), in the South Cooks, doing volunteer work again and signing E51NOU during his spare time. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, CW only, using 100w into a vertical. QSL via N7OU.


AT1HQ via VU2PTT and LoTW. Special ARSI callsign for the IARU Contest.
CR5HQ via CT1REP (see QRZ.COM). Bureau cards can be requested at: (no need to send a card via bureau!)

LOG AND PICTURES are available from the CR6A activity from the Fuzeta Est Mole Lighthouse: Pictures at: Log at:
DA0HQ via the Bureau.

PA6HQ via PA3CAL. A special PA6HQ Award is available for stations working PA6HQ on six (6) bands, 10/15/20/40/ 80/160 meter, in any mode you want More info at: http://pa6hq.

SX0HQ via LoTW or by the Bureau. Activity by the RAAG (Radio Amateur Association of Greece).

TM0HQ via the REF-Union bureau to manager F8CRH.

KL7DX 2008 DXPEDITION DVD AVAILABLE. A DVD on the July 2008 Russian Robinson Club operation to Clevelenad Volcano on Chuginadak Island, is now available at: It is on sale now for 19.99 USDs.

PUERTO RICO. Joachim, KP4EE, will be active as KP4KE during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest (October 24-25th) as a Single-Op/All- Band entry. QSL via OK1DOT.

TZ6EI LOGS. Ed, W0SD, reports that the logs for TZ6EI (six meters only) are online thanks to Chris, DL5NAM. You can link-up to them at: There were 546 unique six meter contacts made. 22 QSOs with NA. Hestates, "Hopefully we can get the HF logs online in a week or so." The TZ6WI Web page has posted DXpedition statistics, distances, pictures etc... as well as the link to the online logs. QSL via W7XU.

VY0A QSL STATUS. Cezar, VE3LYC, reports that he has mailed all the direct QSL requests for the VY0A NA-186 operation. More information is available on the Web page.
ZW5HQ via PY5CA, direct or by the bureau, please indicate via PY5CA.

SPECIAL EVENT - In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the first manned moon landing, the special event callsign VE3MOON will be operating from July 14-27th.They will be operating satellites from the Canada Museum of Science and Technology during much of this period, usually between 1400-2000z. They will also be working HF from various locations throughout the duration of the event. Currently, they do not have a set schedule, but they do have multiple radios and operators. Popular satellites among their operators are AO-51, SO-50, VO-52, FO-29, and the ISS. There will be a QSL card for this special call. QSL management is through VE3OIJ.

SPECIAL EVENT - K5E to be active on AO-7 at 1332z, July 16th, and will remain active on the FM and CW/SSB satellites, NO-44 (if operational) and the ISS in packet or voice (if either system is active) through 1650z on July 24th. Those dates and times coincide with the duration of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon which began 40 years ago next Thursday, July 16th. K5E seemed the perfect choice for a special event callsign to celebrate the 40th anniversary of "one small step for man .... one giant leap for mankind." K - the 11th letter of the alphabet. 5 - the call district of Houston, location of Apollo 11 Mission Control. E - Eagle, the Apollo 11 lunar module. During the satellite passes, the operator will use the special callsign and will ID as "Kilo 5 Eagle". Glade Schroeter, WA3MVQ, is donating high-quality full-color QSL cards which will be used to confirm all contacts with K5E. Stations wishing to confirm will send their request to Tim, N3TL, with an SASE. The card will be standard QSL size and a picture of the QSL card is expected to be posted on Work K5E one time to claim a special QSL card. There will be no endorsements of any kind, and only one QSL will be issued per valid amateur callsign.

CORSICA. Laurent, F5MUX, will be active as TK5UX between July 12-26th. QSLs are preferred via eQSL . Visit his Web page at:

ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON. A team of Brazilian operators will be active as TO2FH between May 19-23rd, 2010. Operators mentioned so far are: Fabio / PY2AAZ / AC2AC, Anderson / PY2TNT, Fred / PY2XB and Alex / PY2WAS. More details are forthcoming.

MAYOTTE. A team of Brazilian operators will be active as TO2FH between September 3-15th, 2010. Operators mentioned so far are: Fabio / PY2AAZ / AC2AC, Anderson / PY2TNT, Fred / PY2XB and Alex / PY2WAS. More details are forthcoming.

VIDEO AVAILABLE ON THE WEB. Andrea, IZ2LSC, informs OPDX that a short video clip regarding the activation of HV5PUL done in June 2009 is available on Web at:

PARAGUAY (Special Event). Look for special event station ZP15MWC to be on the air July 13-19th. Activity is to celebrate the 15th Mennonite World Conference held in Asuncion, Paraguay. Activity will be on 40, 20, 15, 10 meters SSB during the hours of 1300-2200z. Suggested frequencies are: 7080, 14290, 21350 and 28450 kHz (+/- QRM and conditions permitting). The single station will be operated by: Rudolph/ZP5RL, Ernst/ZP1BD and Helmich/PA0HEL. QSL via PA0HEL.

GRID TRIP - I am planning a trip to Crater Lake, OR leaving from the Williams, AZ Hamfest on Sunday morning July 19. To add a bit of spice to the trip I am planning on driving up the west side of Nevada and into Oregon along grids DN00 --> DN04. I am planning to operate 6m while mobile but when I stop for the night and before I depart in the morning I hope to run WSJT for meteor scatter and weak signal tropo contacts on 6 and 2. I might take a 222 and 432 antenna if I have room. I do not have a set schedule at this point in time but I hope to be in DN00 by Sunday night (19th) and run WSJT Monday morning. Most likely I WILL NOT HAVE INTERNET connections in these grids so operations will be random, although if some of you want to send me your telephone numbers I might be able to contact you if I have cell service. I can also try to coordinate via HF if you suggest some QRG's to monitor. I'm guessing I will be in DN04 by Wednesday and at Crater Lake on Thursday. From there plans are tentative... one thought is to partially retrace the route so that I overnight in the grid(s) I drove through during the day. Another possibility is to return home via central NV and catch DN11 through DM18. Not a true grid expedition but hope to give out some of these grids. Tom NQ7R/C91TK, Casa Grande, AZ 520-421-0483 Cell- 480-241-6076 (rarely on unless expecting calls). (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

CQWW DX Contest, SSB (October 24-25, 2009) - op JL3RDC, callsign NH0DX, class SOAB, CQ zone: 27, Via JL3RDC. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

CONTESTERS - Some good news for the Digi Contesters, from the Ohio Independent Contesters: We are taking a new direction and supporting the RTTY and other digital modes. These count as a seperate band/mode for mulitplier credit and scoring is the same as CW. Look forward to working everyone. Pat N8VW - Ohio Independent Contesters. Get your own blog at Ohio QSO Party Tks Pat, N8VW (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

CASHOTA Activities: July 19th: CASTLE RISING CASHOTA G140 WAB TF62 LOC JO02FT on the 19th july 2009 on all bands . Special event callsign GB0CR, KINGS LYNN ARC. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

COURTENHALL CASHOTA REF G120 WAB SP75 LOC IO92NE Special event callsign GX4KPT/p CASHOTA Club. Tks Chris, M0DOL. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

SPECIAL EVENT - Cork-Swansea Ferry Special Event Stations To celebrate the return of the Fastnet Line Cork to Swansea ferry Innisfallen, special event call signs EI2GBW and GB2EI will be QRV from now through re-start of the service in March 2010. Activations will include arrival of the ship at Customs House Quay, Cork in August and proposed /MM operation during trial runs to Swansea. See for further details. Tks Jean-Yves, F8LDX and IRTS. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008



OMAN: A43DLH DXpedition . As guests of the Royal Omani ARS ( ROARS) , the Lufthansa Amateur RC (LARC), along with he Norden District of the DARC (DOK I09 ) will be active under the two following callsigns : A43DLH operating from the ROARS HQ and A43 DLH/P operating from the Omani Scout camp. Dates : from October 30th until November 11th. Traffic scheduled 24h a day . Bands from 160m and up on as number of as possible. Modes : CW, SSB and digitals included SSTV/ QSL Manager OM. Rudi ( DK7PE ). New update : The first OPs arrive Oct. 30th. The first signals should appear on the bands Oct 31st. Antennas will be errected for more bands. The 160m vertical will arrive Nov. 2nd. Frank (DL8YHR) will arrive and start with his UHF/VHF EME operation Nov. 05th. About the locations, there are in the city of Muscate Locator ( LL93FO ) More information via Mustapha DL1BDF - -. Tks Mustapha, DL1BDF.

SALINA ISLAND (EU-017) - The 095 DX TEAM Davide ID9/IW9GUR * Angelo ID9/IW9HLM * Andrea IW9HQP * Andrea IT9RKR * Enzo IT9GCG will be active from Salina Island IOTA: EU-017 ** IIA: ME-015 ** MIA: MI-083 -- Team will be activate also SOTA reference "Fossa delle felci Mountain" SOTA REF: SL-022. QSL Via direct or bureau to home call More info

POHNPEI - Operator Shoji/JA7HMZ will once again be active from Pohnpei (OC-010), but this time he will sign as V6B between October 26th and November 1st. It is possible he may particiate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest. QSL via home call. [OPDX Bulletin].

MAURITIUS ISLAND - Jacques, F1BCS will be active as 3B8/F1BCS from Mauritius Island (AF-049, also count for WLOTA LH-0595) from October 28th to November 9th. He plans to operate SSB, RTTY and PSK31 on 40-15 meters. QSL via operator's instructions. [425 DX News].

ARUBA - Operators Garry/K9WZB and Sharon/K7WZB will be active from the island of Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA LH-0033) as P40ZB between October 28th and November 6th. Activity will be on 40/20/15/10/6 meters using SSB, RTTY, CW and PSK31. QSL via K9WZB, direct only. [OPDX Bulletin].

JAPANESE IOTA's - Nag, JA7GAX will be visiting and operating from several Japanese IOTA groups in the JA6 call area between October 29th and late November. His current plan (subject to changes depending on local conditions) is: October 29-30th Koshiki Islands (AS-037); November 1-8th Tokara Islands (AS-049); November 9-10th Amami Islands (AS-023); November 11-13th Okinawa Islands (AS-017); November 15-20th Daito Islands (AS-047).QSL via JA7GAX, direct or bureau. [425 DX News].

OMAN - As guests of the Royal Omani ARS (ROARS), the Lufthansa Amateur RC (LARC), along with he Norden District of the DARC (DOK I09) will be active October 30th until November 11th using the following call signs: A43DLH operating from the ROARS HQ; and A43DLH/p operating from the Omani Scout camp, city of Muscate (WW Loc. LL93FO). QRV 160m and up on as many bands as possible, 24 hours per day, using CW, SSB and digital modes including SSTV. QSL via DK7PE. [F5NQL].

CHAGOS - Rick, KI1G will be active as VQ9RD from the U.S. Navy Support Facility, Diego Garcia Island (AF-006), Chagos Archipelago, between October 30 and November 11. QSL via home call, direct only or via LoTW - please NO BUREAU CARDS. [NG3K].

GUERNSEY - Martin, G3ZAY and Michael, G7VJR will be active as GU3ZAY and GU7VJR from Guernsey (EU-114, WLOTA LH-0013) between October 31st and November 2nd. They will use verticals and a small linear amplifier, with activity on SSB and CW. They hope to be QRV on LF bands if space permits. QSL via G7VJR. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [425 DX News].

GUAM (OC-026) - The JA1KJW group plans to be active from Guam Island (OC-026, also count for WLOTA LH-0064) from October 31st to November 3rd on all HF bands, using SSB, CW, RTTY and SSTV. The following operators will be QRV: KH2/NI2J (QSL via JH1VVW), KH2/AK0J (QSL via JA1KJW), KH2/WH7QL (QSL via JA1XVY), KH2/NV1J (QSL via JA1FUY), KH2/JJ1JGI (QSL via home call), KH2/JJ1HKS (QSL via home call) and KH2/JF1GUQ (QSL via home call). You can QSL direct or via the bureau. [JI6KVR].

VANUATU - Mat/JA1JQY (YJ0AQY) and Kuni/JA8VE (YJ0AVE) will QRV from Vanuatu, New Hebrides (OC-035), between October 31st and November 6th. They will operate 80m-10m using SSB, CW and possibly RTTY. They will try 160m if the local situation permits. QSL YJ0AQY via JA1JQY (Shigeo Matsu, 2-31-10 Shimoseya, Seya, Yokohama, 246-0035 JAPAN). QSL YJ0AVE via JF1OCQ (Hiroyuki Miyake, 1-3-6 Asakura, Maebashi, 371-0811 JAPAN). [JI6KVR].

COSTA RICA - Operators TI2JCY, TI2KAC, TI4ZM, TI2CCC, K4UN, W4BW, W4KTR and W4XO will be QRV as TI1R from outside San Jose, Costa Rica, during the CQWW DX SSB Contest as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via TI2JCY, bureau preferred. The team will also be active from October 21-28th as TI2/homecall on 160-10m. [NG3K].

ST. MARTIN - Paul, K1XM will be active as TO4X from the island of French Saint Martin (NA-105, DIFO FS-001, WLOTA LH-0383) during the CQWW DX SSB Contest. He will also be joined by Ann/WA1S and Charlotte/KQ1F for a Multi-2 or Multi-Single entry. Look for activity before and after the contest. QSL via KQ1F. [NG3K].

MALDIVES - "Oku" Seiji, JK1KSB, will be active as 8Q7SO from Mirihi Island (AS-013), a south Ari Atoll (WW Loc. MJ63JO), between October 26th and November 1st. Activity will be holiday style on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via JK1KSB, direct or bureau. [OPDX Bulletin].


MALTA - Anne, OH2YL plans to be active November 1-8th from Malta (EU-023, MIA MM-001, WLOTA LH-1113) as 9H3YL. QRV HF-bands using CW and SSB. QSL via home call. [NG3K].

DUMONT D'URVILLE BASE - Nicolas, F4EGX, is expected to be active as FT5YI from the French antarctic scientific station "Dumont d'Urville Base [TAAF]" (AA F-01, WAP FRA-01), located on Petrel Island (AN-017), during his free time between November to mid-December. He states that he is on a "professional mission". Nicolas will use a FT857D w/ATU LDG Z-100 into a fishing rod antenna for the 14 MHz. QSL via F4EGX. Visit his Web page at: [OPDX Bulletin].

U.S. COUNTIES - USA-CA - Gene, K5GE/m plans to be in the following Texas counties on November 1st: Comal, Kendall, Bandera, Medina, Uvalde, Kinney, Val Verde, Edwards, Real, Kerr, Gillespie (Short time), Kerr and back home. QRV 40 and 20 meters, on the county hunting frequencies. QSL via home call. [County Hunter Web].

TARAWA - Toshi, JA8BMK will be active as T30XX from Tarawa, West Kiribati (OC-017), from November 1st while waiting to start the voyage to Central Kiribati (T31). QRV all bands using CW, SSB, RTTY, BPSK31 and SSTV. Equipment: FT-897D and HL-1.2Kfx. Antenna/Vert, yagi and Inv V. QSL direct to JA8BMK. [425DX News].

DAVIS ANTARCTIC STATION - Bob, VK2ABP/VK2MRP will be working at Davis Base (AA VK-03, WAP AUS-03, IOTA AN-016), Antarctica, starting around November 1, 2008 until at least March 7, 2009, but could be until December. This is a work assignment, Bob does not know when he will be able to operate on the amateur radio bands. At all events, his call sign will be VK0BP (QSL via VK2CA). Updates will be available at [425 DX News].

ZA1/XE1MO ALBANIA - Fernando, XE1MO plans to be active from Albania as ZA1/XE1MO, November 1-9th. QRV 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter SSB only. QSL via home call or via KE5FAH. [NG3K].

MANUS ISLAND - Hugh, K6HFA will be on Manus Island (P29, OC-025) from November 4-9th. [425 DX News].

QUOC ISLAND (AS-128) - RL3BM, Mike and UA4CC, Arkady "Ark" are heading to Phu Quoc Island (AS-128), Vietnam, for a family vacation November 05-13th. Their call signs will be XV4BM and XV4CC. They plan to be on CW and SSB on 3.5-28 MHz. Plans are to use an IC-7000 and K-2 transceivers running 100 watts only into vertical antennas. For 20 meters they will have a 2 element wire vertical Yagi. This will be not a "full scale" DXpedition, however the two will do their best to be on the air as much as possible. QSL XV4BM via RL3BM and XV4CC via UA4CC ( [UA4CC].

KUWAIT - A team of 4 DL operators (arkus/DL9RCF, Hartmut/DM5TI, Uwe/DL9NDS and Chris/DL5NAM) will work in WAE RTTY Contest (November 8-9th) from Hamad's station 9K2HN. Before and after contest (November 6-17th) they will focus on the WARC bands using RTTY, SSB and CW. QSLing via 9K2HN (see Log at [NG3K].

GRENADA - Look for J3/DL7CM (Hans) and J3/DM2AYO (Sid) to be active from the island of Grenada (NA-024, WLOTA LH-0718), November 6-25th. They are renting a nice QTH near Sauteurs on the north end of the island, where they will operate 160-6m CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK with a pair of IC706 rigs to 700W amps. They will have a Yagi for high bands and a ground plane for low bands. QSL via home calls. [NG3K].

GOA, INDIA - Look for Helmut/DL5DSM and Norbert/DJ7JC to be active as VU3NLG and VU3NLF respectively from the Resort Prainha, Panjim, Goa, India from November 6-14th. Activity is expected on all bands 160-10m using CW, SSB, BPSK and RTTY. QSL via their home call signs. [].

CAMBODIA - Operators JA3AVO, JH3PBL, JA3ARJ and JA3UJR will be active as XU7AVO, XU7PBL, XU7ARJ XU7UJR, respectively, from Sihanoukville [Kampong Som], Cambodia, between November 6-11th. QSL via home calls. [OPDX Bulletin].


NAMIBIA - VHF and more - VHF DXpedition to Namibia is presently in the final planning stages. Although not yet 100% confirmed, it is most likely that the operation will be from Luderitz and will concentrate on VHF with all authorized bands and modes active. Moonbounce, meteor scatter and satellite operation are planned on the amateur bands from 50 to 1296 MHz... More infos will come in official from Hal, soon... Dates : From: 2009-01-05 to: 2009-01-18 - Activity in MS-EME - Bands : 50-144-432-1296 - Callsign TBA - SOURCE: Hal, ZS6WB via MoonNet and MMM VHF. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

5J0T DX NEWS - 5J0T will be active from Bajo Nuevo (IOTA NA-132) and Roncador Bank (IOTA NA-133) between Nov 19 and Dec 02, 2008. The four person DXpedition will focus on low band operation, especially 160 meters, and will be operated by AA7JV, HA7RY, HK0JJH and HA8MT. The group will operate two stations from 160 to 6 m. 5J0T will also participate in the CQ WW CW Contest from Zone 8. There will also be operation with the call-sign HK0/HK3JJH. Bajo Nuevo is a small reef that belongs to Colombia (HK0) and is located 170 miles south of Jamaica in the central Caribbean. The reef contains a number of small barren sand cays, one which carries a navigation light. Bank Roncador Bank is located 150 miles south-west of Bajo Nuevo Plans are to operate from November 18 to 21 from Roncador Bank, and between November 23 and December 02 from Bajo Nuevo. Both reefs are part of San Andres region, HK0. QSL for 5J0T via HA7RY. For HK0/HK3JJH QSO-s QSL via HK3JJH. For further information see: Tks John K1XN & GOLIST.

BUTHAN KINGDOM - 100th anniversary of the Buthan Kingdom. - The Clipperton DX Club members, Gérard/F2VX, Alain/F5LMJ, Jean-Louis/F9DK and Vincent/G0LMX will sign A5100A (A5 for Buthan , 100 - one hundred - for the 100th anniversary of the Buthan Kingdom and the A suffix) . They will be in Buthan between November 7th to 17th. With Pradan A51PN, they plan to be active too in /p from three other locations in Buthan. QSL via F9DK - Tks Jean Michel/F6AJA and LNDX.

SPECIAL EVENT SPAIN - De C31MO : On November 1st and 2nd, 2008 some spanish special stations, will be ative all modes and bands from the city of Mataro 40 Km NE of Barcelona. The callsign used will be EH3MB . This is to commemorate the 160th anniversary of the Railway line between Mataro and Barcelona opening. At the same time, other stations will be active from Barcelona using the EH3BM , from the " Estación de Francia ". QSL via EA3APS, ALBERT PATAU COMAS, SANT ANTONI, 73-79, 5-2, E-08301 -MATARO- (BCN) SPAIN or bureau. I'll be operating from Mataro under EH3MB - Tks Michel/C31MO.

UNITED KINGDOM: The ISWL Club Callsigns in use during November 2008 will be: GX4BJC /A - Operated from Healing, in North East Lincolnshire, England, by Cliff - G4YHP. ( /A WAB Square = TA21-LNE & IOTA = EU-005). MS1SWL /A & MS1SWL /P - Operated /A from Annan, in Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland, by John - GM6LYJ. ( /A WAB Square = NY16-DUM & IOTA = EU-005). The ISWL's WAB Book numbers are: 16316 and 16724. All QSL Info is on or or via www.eQSLcc NO LOTW. Vy 73 to you all - have a great November. Pete Rayer ISWL Life Vice President - Tks Pete and ISWL.


TY6A QSL cards status. Serge, F6AML informs us that all the cards received directly up to Oct 28th 2008, have been answered and mailed. Tks Serge, F6AML/TY6A

GU4YOX (Guernsey) will be operating 40M SOLP this year. QSL via GU4YOX Cheers and all the best, 73 Bob GU4YOX KX6N.

ALBANIA FINAL: + Our activity from ZA0/ : 15.228 qso. Tnx to all on frequency ! Info ZA0/ dx-pedition 2008 at 73 de Alfredo & ZA0/team - Tks Alfredo, IK7JWX

HAM FAIR LISBOA - November 9 The A.R.V.M. is organizing his XI Exposition Ham Fair in Lisboa. D'ont miss one of the biggest events of Hamradio in Portugal + INFO:

SPAIN: Hello Om's: 4 meter band autorized in EA 70.150-70.200 MHz. 73, Xavier Pérez EB3TC / EA3DGI JN01XL / JN01SU

ALBANIA News - Oct 27th : Hello om friends, yesterday we have some problem at the radio sheck and computers (digital modes) ! Until 24,00 local time of 10/26/2008 this is the total score : 10.255 qso. All the ZA0/ team is very very happy for many good contacts, in particulary during the cq ww ssb contest - Many thanks to ALL to contact all us ! Info ZA0/ dx-pedition 2008 at 73 de Alfredo IK7JWX (IU7A/p)

IRELAND - First 5 MHz licences issued to EI stations ; Good news at last. After a long process of contacts between the military authorities and Ireland's regulator ComReg, the first of the 5 MHz licences were issued to EI stations on Friday, October 17th. Three 3 kHz channels with centre frequencies of 5280, 5400 and 5405 kHz. Tks Southgate ARC. (Forwarded with 73 by Maurice, F5NQL).

CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their participation in this year's event (25-26 October):


02 VA2ZM M/S Canada VA2ZM

02 VE2DXY M/2 Canada KD3RF

05 VC2Z Canada VE2BR

05 VP9/K3IRV Bermuda K3IRV

07 HP1BYS SOAB 15m Panama EA5KB

07 HQ2W M/2 Honduras HR2DMR

07 HQ3Z M/M Honduras K6VNX

07 HQ9R SOAB Honduras K5WW

07 HT2N M/S Nicaragua AJ9C

07 TI1R M/2 Costa Rica TI2JCY

07 V31MX M/S Belize K0BCN

08 6Y1V M/2 HP Jamaica OH3RB

08 8P5A SOAB HP Barbados NN1N

08 C6APR M/2 Bahamas K3IXD

08 CO7PH SO Cuba W3HNK

08 CO8ZZ SOSB 20m Cuba DK1WI

08 FG5KC M/S Guadeloupe FG5KC

08 HI3CCP SO LP Dominican Republic ON4IQ

08 HI3K SOSB Dominican Republic KB2MS

08 HI3T SOAB LP Dominican Republic ON4IQ

08 KP2B SOAB Virgin Islands EA7FTR

08 KP2M M/S Virgin Islands AI4U

08 NP2N M/S Virgin Islands

08 NP4Z SOAB Puerto Rico WC4E

08 TO4X SOAB St. Martin KQ1F

08 TO5DX M/S St. Barthelemy AA4NN

08 TO8Z SOAB HP Martinique

08 V26B M/? Antigua KA2AEV

08 V4/W5JON SO St.Kitts & Nevis W5JON

08 V48M St Kitts & Nevis K2SB

08 VP2E SOSB 20m Anguilla N5AU

08 VP2EC M/2 Anguilla N5AU

08 VP2V/K9NW SO British Virgin Isls K9NW

08 VP2V/SP3IPB SOAB British Virgin Isls SP3IPB

08 VP2V/SP7VC SOAB British Virgin Isls SP7VC

08 VP5T M/M Turks & Caicos Isls N2VW

09 4M5DX M/S Venezuela IT9DAA

09 9Y4D SOSB 20m Trinidad & Tobago 9Y4D

09 FY5KE M/S French Guiana FY5KE

09 P40A SOAB Aruba WD9DZV

09 PJ2/OH2YY SO Netherlands Antilles OH2YY

09 PJ2T M/? Netherlands Antilles N9AG

09 PJ4E M/? Netherlands Antilles WA4PGM

09 PZ5Z M/? Suriname OM2FY

09 YW5CQ SO HP Venezuela IT9DAA

10 HD5J M/S Ecuador JA6GCE


11 PW2D M/S Brazil PY2VM

11 ZP0R SOAB Paraguay ZP5AZL

11 ZW5B M/? Brazil K3IRV

11 ZX2X M/? Brazil PY2ZX

12 CE1W M/M Chile HA1AG

12 XR3A Chile CE3DNP

12 XR6T M/2 Chile CE3FED

13 AY4D SOAB HP Argentina EA5KB

13 CW5W SOSB Uruguay CX6VM

13 CX1CCC M/? Uruguay EA5KB

13 LP1H M/S Argentina EA5KB

13 LR2F M/S Argentina LU2FA

13 LR4E SO HP Argentina LW4EU

13 LS1D M/S Argentina LW9EOC

13 LT1F M/S Argentina AC7DX

13 LU8YE M/S Argentina

14 3A/I1UWF SO Monaco I1UWF

14 AM1T M/? Spain EA1FCR

14 AM7M SOSB 40M Spain EC7ANC

14 AO3A M/S Spain EA3BOX

14 AO5B M/? Spain EA4RCH

14 CQ4U M/S Portugal CT1HFS

14 CS2P M/? Portugal CT1BWU

14 CU2X SOAB Azores OH2BH

14 DL/N0HJZ Germany N0HJZ

14 DR2W M/S Germany DH3WO

14 EA6/AA5UK Balearic Islands AA5UK

14 EB1WW M/M Spain EA1KY

14 ED2R Spain EA2RCA

14 ED5R SO Spain EA5RD

14 EE2W M/? Spain EB2BXL

14 EG5T M/? Spain EA5EH

14 EI/ON4EI SOAB Ireland ON4EI

14 GM7V SOAB Scotland M0CMK

14 GZ0F SOAB Shetlands (Scotland)) M0CMK

14 HB0/HB9AON M/M Liechtenstein DJ2YE

14 LN3Z M/S Norway LA9VDA

14 LX7I SOAB HP Luxemboug LX2A

14 MW9W M/M Wales M0URX

14 OT5A M/M Belgium ON7LR

14 PA6Z M/M The Netherlands PA9M

14 SI9AM M/S Sweden SM3CVM

14 TM1O M/2 France F1IKA

14 TM2S M/S France F5PED

14 TM4Q SOAB France F6FYA

15 E77XZ SOSB Bosnia Herzegovina DK6XZ

15 E7DX M/S Bosnia-Herzegovina E77E

15 IF9A Sicily (Italy) IT9ATF

15 II20CJ SOSB 80m Italy IW2HAJ

15 IO4T M/S Italy IZ4JMA

15 IO5O M/S Italy IK5RLP

15 IO9K M/S Sicily (Italy) IW9HLM

15 IQ9BF M/S Sicily (Italy) bureau

15 IR4X M/2 Italy I4EAT

15 IR9P M/? Sicily (Italy) IW9HMQ

15 IR9Y M/S Sicily (Italy) IT9ABY

15 IS0A M/2 Sardinia IS0MYN

15 LY4A M/? Lithuania LY2FY

15 LY7A M/M Lithuania LoTW

15 OE2S M/S Austria OE2GEN

15 OH0E Aland Islands OH2MM

15 OH5Z M/M Finland OH5LIZ

15 OH8X SOAB Finland OH2UA

15 OL7R M/S Czech Republic OK1WMV

15 OM7M M/S Slovakia OM3PA

15 RK2FWA M/S Kaliningrad DK4VW

15 SO6V SOSB 40m Poland SP6DVP

15 TK9R SOAB HP Corsica IK8UND

15 YQ6A SOAB Romania YO6BHN

16 ER0FEO SOAB Moldova UU0JM

16 RS3A SOAB European Russia RA3CW

16 UA3R M/S European Russia RN3RQ

16 UR4Z M/S Ukraine UY0ZG

17 EY8/F4EGS SO Tajikistan F4EGS

17 EY8MM SOSB 80m Tajikistan K1BV

17 RA9A M/S Asiatic Russia RK9AWN

17 UO6P SOSB 40m Kazakhstan UN7PBY

20 4X0C M/S Israel W8HC

20 4X0V M/2 Israel AA4V

20 5B4AII SOAB Cyprus RW3RN

20 C49C M/S Cyprus 5B4KH

20 C4I M/? Cyprus LZ2HM

20 J42T M/S Greece SV2BFN

20 J48RT M/S Greece HA6NL

20 LZ9W M/M Bulgaria LZ1PM

20 P33W M/S Cyprus RA3AUU


20 SX5P M/M Dodecanese SV5FRD


20 TC3EC M/? Turkey TA3GO

20 TC4X SOSB 20m Turkey OH2BH

21 4L0A SOAB HP Georgia EA7FTR

21 9K2HN M/S Kuwait

22 AU2RSB SO India W3HNK


22 VU2PTT SOAB or SOSB 20m India VU2PTT

23 JU1DX M/S Mongolia

24 B1Z M/S China EA7FTR

24 B4TB M/S China BA4TB

24 B7P M/S China BD7IXG


24 VR2C M/2 Hong Kong WA4WTG

26 VU4RG Andaman Isls DJ7JC

26 XW1A SOAB Laos E21EIC

27 4F1AL SOSB Philippines 4F1AL

27 AH0BT M/S No. Marianas 7L1FPU

27 AH2R M/S Guam JH7QXJ


27 NH0DX SOAB HP Mariana Islands JL3RDC

27 T88AC SOAB Palau JA2BNN

27 T88FY SOAB Palau JK2VOC

27 T88YB Palau HL1IWD

27 V6B SO Micronesia JA7HMZ

28 9M4SMO M/S East Malaysia JH1WXT

28 9M8YY SOSB 20m East Malaysia JR3WXA

28 9M8Z SOAB East Malaysia M0URX

28 YB0ZZ M/? Indonesia

29 VK8NSB SOAB Australia VK6NE

30 VK1CC M/? Australia DL8YR

31 T32CXX M/S East Kiribati W0CXX

32 ZK2DF SO Niue N1EMC

32 ZL2G SOSB 20m New Zealand ZL2HAM

32 ZM1K SOAB New Zealand

32 ZM2M M/2 New Zealand ZL2AL

33 3V8BB M/? Tunisia YT1AD

33 AO8A M/2 Canary Islands OH1RY

33 CN2B Morocco OH2BH

33 CN2R SOSB 160m Morocco W7EJ

33 CN3A M/S Morocco I2WIJ

33 CN4P SOSB Morocco EA5XX

33 CQ3T M/S Madeira CT3KN

33 CQ9K M/? Madeira

33 CT3/HA5PP Madeira HA5PP

33 IG9R SOSB (African) Italy IK8HCG

33 IH9N SOSB 40m LP (African) Italy OK1MG

35 6V7M M/S Senegal DH7WW

35 6W1RY SOAB Senegal F5VHJ

35 D4C M/? Cape Verde CT1ESV

38 3DA0DJ Swaziland GI4FUM

38 ZS9X M/2 South Africa K3IRV

40 JW5NM SOSB 40m Svalbard LA5NM

40 JW7QIA SOAB Svalbard LA7QIA

Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing maintained by Bill, NG3K at - good contest to you all!


Current Solar Indicies from WWV 31-Oct-2008 at 0306 UTC SFI = 67 A = 13 K = 1 Conditions during the last 24 hours No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours. Forecast for the next 24 hours No space weather storms are expected for the next 24 hours.

Solar Wind Data Provides solar wind velocity and energetic particle intensity Updated at: 0309Z on October 31, 2008 Velocity (km/s): 670.1 Density (protons/cm3): 1.0

Penticton Observatory SFI Measurement WWV only updates its SFI reading once a day at 2100Z The Penticton solar observatory takes measurements at 1700Z, 2000Z, and 2300Z (WWV uses the 2000Z Penticton measurement)

The Penticton Observatory SFI value on 30-Oct-2008 at 2300Z was: 66

Three Day SFI and A-index Forecast (updated daily after 2200Z) This report issued on Oct 30, 2008 at 2201Z

Date SFI A-index 30 Oct 068 8 31 Oct 069 5 01 Nov 069 5

Solar Activity Forecast Solar activity is expected to be very low. Geophysical Activity Forecast Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels on day 1 (31 October) with a chance for active levels at high latitudes. Mostly quiet levels are expected during days 2 - 3 (01 - 02 November).

Recent Major Solar Flare Activity (usually reported within 30 minutes of event peak)

No major flare activity to report

NOAA (American) Sunspot Number This number is reported daily around 0225Z and reports the number of sunspots observed in the previous 24 hour period

The NOAA Sunspot number for 30-Oct-2008 was: 13

Most recent five days (oldest first): 0 0 0 0 0

GOES-8 Background X-ray Flux This value is reported daily around 0225Z and reports the average background x-ray flux level as measured by the GOES-8 satellite

The GOES-8 Background X-ray Flux level on 30-Oct-2008 was: A0

Most recent five days (oldest first): A0 A0 A0 A0 A0